Stables and Animal Controls

Oct 18, 2023
Stables and Animal Controls
  • Empire Minecraft has built mechanisms which enhance the way you can store and/or access your horses, llamas, camels and parrots.

    Instead of building a real stable on your residence, you can use a virtual stable using the /stable command. This makes it a lot easier to transport your horses, llamas and camels all across the Empire!

    In addition, perched parrots behave slightly differently on EMC than they do in vanilla Minecraft, especially regarding how they dismount the player.

    For information on how to obtain and store most mobs in ways which don't retain personal ownership or data, visit the Eggification page.

    Horses, Llamas, and Camels(top)

    Horse/llama/camel Commands(top)

    The horse/llama/camel Commands can be used to check the stats of a horse, llama or camel and, once tamed, control who else can ride it. See the Commands: Stables and Animal Controls page for the full list of Commands.

    What are stables?(top)

    The stable is a virtual, command-based cross-server storage system that can be used for any horse (regular, donkey, or mule) or llama/camel you own.

    Unlike eggified horses, llamas and camels, when they are kept in your stable instead they will keep their Attributes (statistics) and armor and can be accessed from any world. Mules and llamas with attached inventories cannot be stabled.

    Storing and summoning(top)

    You can only use this for horses/llamas/camels you actually own, so you need to have tamed them yourself - use the /horse command to find out if you did. Then if you are riding it you can store it in your stable. Use the command /stable store, and it will be transported into your stable.

    When you want to get your stabled animals out again, just use the command /stable summon, and the one you stored last will appear. You can also summon a specific horse by specifying the number of the stable behind it. For example, the command /stable summon 2 would summon the second horse in your stable.

    Summoning is free in the Town, but it will cost you 100 Rupees in any other world. However, if you own 10 stables, summoning a horse, llama or camel will always be free, regardless of your location.
    To get an overview of your stable, just use the /stable list or /stable command.

    This is what your stable could look like.

    The white text is the horse's name. Types include "Horse," "Donkey," "Mule," "Llama," and "Trader Llama." Details explain what the horse looks like. Speed and jump is a number between 45-135%, HP is the amount of half hearts a horse has, and Equip is whatever the horse is wearing (saddles, armor, etc).

    What happens to horses in the Frontier that I do not stable?(top)

    Tamed horses that are left in the Frontier/Wilderness Worlds are subject to the Derelict Policy. To stop a horse from becoming derelict, you must go near it at least once every 15 days. If a horse becomes derelict, it will become untamed.

    Expanding your stable and Stable Vouchers(top)

    All players start with one stable slot. However, supporters can purchase additional stables for 25,000 Rupees each, up to the limit listed below for each level.

    If you have reached the limit, you can use a stable vouchers to gain more stables than your rank allows. These vouchers are purchasable from players in-game, or you can obtain them in the Mail by reaching certain voting streaks. To use a voucher, hold it and right-click. With these, you can have a maximum of 20 stable slots (excluding any automatic additions from being a supporter).

    Purchasable stable slot limit for supporters(top)

    Non-supporters are only able to store one horse/llama/camel in their stable at a time. Supporters can store more without the use of a Stable Voucher, up to certain limits:
    • Iron: 2 horses
    • Gold: 3 horses
    • Diamond: 5 horses
    Once 10 stable slots have been reached, summoning in any world is free.

    Is my horse protected?(top)

    Yes! Even in the wilderness or another player's residence, only you can take items out of a horse's chest or even damage it. Only you and players you have given permission to (with one of the above horse Commands) can ride it.


    On EMC, perched parrots will remain on your shoulder unless you use the Commands below to release or eggify them (see Eggification). They cannot be harmed, and will stay with you even if you die. In addition, you can only release them on a residence which you own or have the admin flag on, or in the Wastelands or Wilderness.
    • /parrotrelease <left/right/both>
      • Shortcuts for 'parrotrelease': /prel, /releaseshoulders, /ejectshoulders, or /relsh
    • /parroteggify <left/right/both>
      • Shortcuts for 'parroteggify': /egg, /eggifyshoulders, or /eggsh
    If you don't specify which shoulder, all parrots will be released/eggified.

    EMC has many features to take advantage of that revolve around certain aspects of multiplayer Minecraft.