Ugly Sweater
Ugly Sweater
Type: Armor
Released: December 25th, 2020; December 25th, 2021; December 24th, 2022; December 25th, 2023; December 31st, 2024
Obtained by: /promo sweater and at /Shopworld
Attributes: Unbreakable, Soulbound
Lore: A sweater only a mother could love
-#- Happy Holidays 2020 -#-
Lore: Fleece Navidad
-+- Happy Holidays 2021 -+-
Lore: In peppermint condition
-{- Happy Holidays 2022 -}-
Lore: Have an ice Christmas.
┤ Happy Holidays 2023 ├
The Ugly Sweater was released again in 2021. This version is a blue chestplate with a blue name. When worn, it shows blue and white particles around the player. It could be claimed with /promo holiday21 or purchased at /shopworld for 20,210r.
The 2022 version of the Ugly Sweater is a red chestplate with a red name. When worn, it shows red and white particles around the player. It could be claimed with /promo holiday22 or purchased at /shopworld for 20,220r.
In 2023 the 4th Ugly Sweater was released in Gray, emitting icy white and light blue particles when worn. It was claimed via /promo holiday23 or purchased at /shopworld for 20,230r.
The 2024 edition Ugly Sweater is a yellow tunic, with dark blue and beige particles emitted when worn. It could be claimed via /promo holiday24.
EMC has a variety of custom-coded items for many uses.