Grandma's Oven

Dec 30, 2023
Grandma's Oven
  • Grandma's Oven

    Type: Misc
    Released: December 25th, 2021
    Update: Promotional
    Obtained by: /promo holiday21, /promo holiday23
    Attributes: Soulbound, Unplaceable
    Lore: Preheated to bake at a moment's notice
    Dispenses a Christmas Cookie
    (limit 1 per day)
    Grandma's Oven is a furnace that dispenses one Christmas Cookie per day. It was released on December 25th, 2021 to celebrate Christmas.

    The Oven was released again in 2023 in the Christmas shulker, along with a new flavor Christmas Cookie, peanut butter.

    EMC has a variety of custom-coded items for many uses.