Commands: Anti-Grief

Jan 5, 2021
Commands: Anti-Grief
  • The Anti-Griefing System brought with it several new Commands to help protect players' builds and to allow them to manage block-breaking permissions. See the first link for information on its full functionality, including relevant Player Settings.

    Parameters in "[ ]" are optional, while parameters in "< >" are required.

    Anti-Grief System Commands(top)

    • /buildmode [on|off|true|false]
      • Enables or disables build mode.
      • If a value is not provided, it toggles the current state.
      • Any blocks you place in the Frontier (Wild/Nether/End) (NOT Wastelands/Town) are protected when build mode is enabled.
    • /noprotectmode [on|off|true|false]
      • Will ensure no placed blocks are protected.
      • This can be used in the Frontier and Wastelands.
    • /vouch <Player A> [on behalf of Player B]
      • Gives a specified player permission to break your blocks (if [on behalf of] is not used) in the Frontier, even if placed in /buildmode.
      • [on behalf of] is used in special circumstances where Player B is a Friend of yours, but cannot come online, and allows Player A to break Player B's blocks.
      • Vouches expire after 30 minutes.
      • Vouches using [on behalf of Player B] expire instantly if Player B comes online.
      • Mods can vouch on behalf of anyone if there is a valid reason.
      • Players can only vouch on behalf of their friends.
      • Players cannot vouch on behalf of a friend if that friend is currently online.
    • /unvouch <for> [on behalf of]
      • Removes your vouch on the for the player mentioned to break the on behalf of player's blocks.
    • /gr blockbreak [on|off]
      • This is only usable when you are the leader of a group.
      • Toggles whether or not members of a group are able to break the protected blocks of other group members. It can also be turned on or off to force a certain mode.
    • /gr buildmode
      • Only usable when you are the leader of a group.
      • Toggles whether or not all group members will be able to break any protected block(s) that were placed by other group members. The ability to break those protected blocks remains active even after the player(s) have left the group.
    • /f blockbreak <name> [on|off|auto]
      • Toggles whether or not that specific friend is able to break your blocks.
      • Overrides the player setting "Allow Friends."
      • Using no argument, or "auto," will reset it to its default behavior, which is to use the value specified using /ps.
    • /f vouch <name> [on|off|auto]
      • Toggles whether or not that specific friend is able to vouch for you.
      • Overrides the player setting "Allow Friends To Vouch."
      • Using no argument, or "auto," will reset it to default behavior, which is to use the value specified using /ps.
    WARNING: Even if you have permission to break a player's blocks, griefing is not tolerated and will result in a ban.

    Staff only Commands for moderation duties(top)

    • /clearblockprotection [filterWhoToRemove]
      • Used by Moderators and by higher ranks
      • Upon confirmation, it removes the protection of the blocks that are currently in your WorldEdit selection.
      • Include an optional player name to only clear a certain player's protected blocks
    • /listprotection [filterListToOnlyPlayer]
      • Used by Moderators and by higher ranks
      • Lists the protected blocks in your WorldEdit selection. The number in parenthesis after each block name is the amount of that block.
      • Include an optional player name to only show a certain player's protected blocks
    • /modvouch <for> [on behalf of]
      • Used by Moderators and by higher ranks
      • Allows Moderators to vouch for anybody with a valid reason.
    • /addprotection <owner> [overwrite]
      • Used by Senior Staff members and Administrators
      • Set the owner of blocks. Unless overwrite is passed in as true, it will not change the owner of existing blocks.
    The Empire has simple Commands for all of its features, starting with /assist for the basics.