Empire Minecraft has a unique feature that allows you to turn animals and villagers into spawn eggs. These eggs can be held in your inventory, placed in chests, and sold in shops. The eggs can also be turned back into the corresponding creature whenever you want.
EMC also has parallel animal control, ownership and summoning mechanisms for horses, llamas and parrots. See the relevant Commands and Animal Control pages for more information.
Eggifying is free in the Town Worlds. There is a 100-rupee-per-use fee for other Worlds (a hunting fee).
Turning a creature into an egg(top)
To turn a mob into a spawn egg, all you have to do is right-click on the target with a stick. It will disappear, and an egg will appear in your inventory. If you are outside of the Town, you will be charged 100 Rupees. Note that you must have an open inventory slot, and also have enough Rupees for the eggification to succeed.
You can eggify parrots perched on your shoulders with the command /parroteggify <left/right/both>. The latter arguments specify which shoulder's parrot to eggify.
You can only eggify peaceful mobs. This means wolves and ocelots must be tamed into dogs and cats, respectively, before you can eggify them. In addition, you can only eggify tamed mobs if you are the person who tamed it. If you try to eggify, damage, or name tamed entities owned by someone else, you will get an error message containing the owner's name.
Wandering traders and fish mobs cannot be eggified. Use a bucket to pick up fish.
If you wish to reduce the 100r hunting fee to 50r, you can use the Magical Eggcellent Wand.
Spawning a creature using an egg(top)
Hold the egg in your hand, right-click the ground, and that is all there is to it! Make sure you are looking at a block when you spawn the animal, otherwise, it will not work!
Stored data(top)
The variant of wolves, cats, parrots, rabbits, foxes, and mushroom cows will be saved when eggified and be displayed in the lore. Pandas will keep their variant and gene data (main and hidden) when eggified.
Sheep maintain their wool color and cats and dogs will maintain their collar color. Foxes spawned from spawn eggs will not spawn with an item in their mouth.
Eggified horses keep their stats (such as speed, health, and jump).
When you respawn cats and dogs, they will be tamed and you will be their owner.
Horses do not keep any items they have equipped, such as saddles and armor. Horses will also have to be re-tamed upon spawning them. To preserve ownership and growth in horses, use the Stables feature instead.
All animals become babies when eggified.
Note that the below image does not reflect all eggification possibilities.
EMC has many features to take advantage of that revolve around certain aspects of multiplayer Minecraft.
Jelle68, Equinox_Boss and Damiensmom11 like this.