Meet the Senior Staff

Dec 31, 2024
Meet the Senior Staff
  • Senior staff members have similar abilities to those of admins, although they don't redeem supporter vouchers among other variations. They have OP and creative mode, which they use to assist players in duties Moderators cannot help with, run events, and perform Senior Staff Services on Residences.

    Joined: December 8th, 2014
    Rank: Senior Staff
    ElfinPineapple joined the Senior Staff team on July 12th,2017. He joined EMC on December 8th, 2014. "A friend was server hopping and found this place. He referred it to me. I came to check it out. And the rest is history."

    What do you like to do IRL? "Currently in the financial field split between going a compliance route and going a legal route (currently leaning latter). On side outside of EMC you will find me working on a massive government accountability side project I've recently restarted, playing strategy games, and finding my way around this crazy thing called life."
    Favorite animal and why: Cats. No reason because there doesn’t need to be. Cats are the best.
    Favorite Website: EMC-anything not count? …Good lord you would ask me to open Pandora’s Box. Probably Twitter.
    Favorite thing about EMC: So here’s the deal. When I got this question after becoming mod I went on this whole elaborate thing about the Community being the reason but then passed it aside because it was a “cliche” for a Labor Bench and Avalauncher. Here’s the truth. You. The Community. Make this server the best server in all of Minecraft. I love to serve all of you and am honored to be doing so in the capacity I am in. You are the reason I came, the reason I joined, the reason I stayed, and the reason everything that has happened since then has happened.
    Favorite color and why: Because I can’t pick - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet..…..I should probably tell you at this point that I have not joined the dark side.
    Favorite Minecraft feature: I can't get over the silk touch feature with pickaxes. I discovered it about 3 months into my tenure at EMC and found it is so efficient mining with a silk touch pickaxe in lieu of a normal pickaxe. It quickly became my favorite tool and still is today.
    Favorite Minecraft block: Redstone ore. It lights up when you walk on it and turns out when you leave. Almost like a pressure sensitive pad that helps while mining. I love running into that block and typically mine them on the return trip to Town for that reason.
    If you were a mob in Minecraft, what would you be and what would you do? I’d be an elf with the magical power to make people go *poof*. Not THAT poof ya silly wabbit, the poof that lets you creep by the creepers. Bonus points if you make a funny face at them as you walk by.
    Favorite music: And another Pandora’s Box. Sweet. Umm. rock, instrumental, hip hop, some pop (very picky), rap, metal, soundtracks (particularly with musicals). Probably more but all I can think of at 2am in the morning.
    Pets? We are now up to four, count them, FOUR cats (It's now 5 cats....yes we've lost our minds over here :p). One still belongs to my brother and we still have two dogs (yup...that went up too. It's three now. We're truly insane.)
    If you had to lose one sense, what would it be? Smell. I want to taste my food, hear music, see things, and touch things. I can be fine without smell.
    Favorite cookie: sugar cookies with icing. If you deny me on this we can’t be friend (but we’ll still be friends).
    Favorite quote: "It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the End, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid shows who knew neither victory nor defeat.” - Theodore Roosevelt
    If you could meet one person, who would it be? Good question. Can't say I got an answer. (cookie for whoever knows that quite
    Additional Comments: I am a politics nerd in every shape and form, particularly on US politics - though you likely gathered that from my first answer. I don’t discuss it publicly on here much but feel free to send me PM if you want to ask or discuss anything about it.

    Joined: January 24th, 2013
    Rank: Senior Staff
    Hashhog joined the Senior Staff team on December 10th, 2016. He joined EMC on January 24th, 2013. He is also on the Build Team. "I was looking for my first multiplayer server, and after going through several servers in which I got stuck in the Tutorial (clever me) and a few that had no Community whatsoever, I came back to a server list where I had seen EMC at the top... I'd passed over it earlier because it said "forum registration" or something like that and damn it, that sounded like work, but I was sick of looking, it was at the top, and I clicked it. I'm glad I didn't pass it up a second time."
    What do you like to do IRL? Scuba dive (when I can). Casual non-basketball sports games are also A+. I'm a second degree black belt in Shotokan karate.
    Favorite animal and why: Sea turtles, I guess. I struggle to choose a favorite animal, but I think sea turtles are beautiful.
    Favorite Website: Never really had a favorite Website. Google Drive? Formatting is hell but it's free storage...
    Favorite thing about EMC: The Community; this is what set the server apart from so many others. Even at its lowest, this Community still has a bond tighter than any I've ever seen in an MC server. Plus, it's always a good laugh.
    Favorite color and why: Green, one of the only "favorites" I have. It just calms me, probably because of the connection with nature. Or maybe I just like green.
    Favorite Minecraft feature: Polar bears. I love polar bears. Now, to convince Mojang to let us ride them...
    Favorite Minecraft block: Sandstone. It works with everything.
    If you were a mob in Minecraft, what would you be and what would you do? I'd be a silverfish and pop out of random cave walls to scare people.
    Favorite music: Classic rock and country. Alternative stuff and the occasional classical or Spanish piece is also enjoyed.
    Pets? A black lab, a black cat, and a (not black) snake
    If you had to lose one sense, what would it be? Taste. It'd make eating healthy easier, and I consider it the least useful sense (so long as nobody tries to poison me).
    Favorite cookie: Baked?
    Favorite quote: "We will be known forever by the tracks we leave." -Dakota Proverb
    If you could meet one person, who would it be? Sylvia Earle. She's a sort of childhood hero for me. She's doing everything I'd love to do in life, and after reading one of her books I was incredibly moved and inspired, basically driving me to realize what I want to do with my life.
    Additional Comments: I'm young-ish. As such, I don't have 100% control over my life yet (well, does anybody?), so sometimes things come up, and I get taken away from EMC for a bit. I apologize for any inactivity, brief or otherwise, on my part.

    Joined: March 22nd, 2015
    Rank: Senior Staff
    JDHallows joined the Senior Staff Team on April 25th, 2018. He joined the Developer team on June 18th, 2018. He joined EMC on March 22nd, 2015. "I had only been playing Minecraft for 3 weeks before I joined EMC. I wanted to join a server to be a part of a Community, and to have fun with others. After searching through multiple servers on Minecraft server ranking sites, I found EMC and joined. I instantly fell in love with the server, and have had fun since!"

    Joined: March 23rd, 2015
    Rank: Senior Staff / Contribution Team Leader / Media Team Leader/ Developer
    MoreMoople joined the Moderation team on May 28th, 2019. She joined EMC on March 23rd, 2015. She is also the leader of the Contribution Team, the leader of the Media Team, and part of the Developer Team and the Build Team. "I had been through many different servers before EMC, but none of them really appealed to me. I stumbled across EMC one day and I've been here ever since!"

    What do you like to do IRL?: In real life, I am working toward my Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and minoring in Studio Art. I am currently working as a student System Administrator, but my goal is to one day develop educational video games. When I'm not in classes or working, I love to make art, dance, spend time with friends and family, and volunteer as a teacher for kindergarten and first grade students.
    Favorite animal and why: I love cats, and I have lived with at least one cat from the time that I was born to the time that I am writing this. I am also known around EMC for my love of frogs. I love their large eyes and the variety of fun colors that they come in.
    Favorite Website: I love many websites, but is one of my favorites. The content is very well-made and educational, and I've found it useful many times throughout my life.
    Favorite thing about EMC: My favorite thing about EMC is the people I have met while playing. I've made many good friends on EMC, and I've even had the opportunity to meet a couple of them. I really enjoy getting to know different members of the Community. Don't be afraid to say hi!
    Favorite color and why: My favorite colors are blue and green. To me, they are very calming colors that represent life.
    Favorite Minecraft feature: My favorite Minecraft feature is the ability to build anything that I want without size restrictions. Even though my only options to create are blocks, I can still turn them into something impressive and lifelike. My love for Minecraft comes from building, rather than something such as exploring, fighting mobs, or gathering materials.
    Favorite Minecraft block: I really like dark oak logs. They have a darker, bolder appearance than other types of wood, and they look good with a large variety of other blocks.
    Favorite Music: I appreciate a lot of different music. The music from The Phantom of the Opera is high on my list of favorites. Depending on my mood, I like anything from swing to pop or rock. The 5th most listened to genre on my 2021 Spotify wrapped was Bardcore...
    Pets? I have three cats. The oldest one is an orange cat named Orlando. As of November 2022, he is 16 years old. Orlando is the cat that I nicknamed "Moremoo" when I was younger, which eventually lead to my username. My second cat is an orange cat named Cedric. He is very affectionate and likes to carry a small stuffed otter around the house at night. My third cat is a tuxedo cat named Mr. Wuffles after the childrens book with that title. I also have a very dorky dog named Wally. He has large ears, and one of his eyes is bright blue, while the other is brown.
    If you had to lose one sense, what would it be? I would rather not lose a sense, but if I had to, it would be my sense of taste. While this would make my life blander, it is the least likely to impose safety hazards.
    Favorite cookie: I enjoy soft chocolate chip cookies. Every Thursday in my household is "Cookie Thursday." Yum!
    Favorite quote: "You will find that help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it." - Dumbledore
    Additional Comments: Frog pics/memes/videos are always welcome! If you ever need anything, feel free to send me a message.

    Our Community is active in many places.