Commands: Friends
This page lists all the Friends Commands. You can replace friend with f as a shortcut.
- Friends Commands
Friends Commands(top)
- /friend help - Lists all friend Commands
- /friend list- Displays a list of your friends
- Shortcut: /f
- /friend online - Lists all of your online friends
- /friend requests - Shows all pending friend requests, including those both sent to you and received by you
- /friend add [player] - Sends a friend request to a specified player. Note: you are unable to send friend requests to a player who is ignoring you
- /friend accept [player] - Accepts a friend request from a specified player
- /friend deny [player] - Denies a friend request from a specified player
- /friend remove [player] - Removes a player from your friend list
- /friend notify [player] [alert] - Toggles whether or not you see a friend's join message
- /friend lockaccess [player] [auto/on/off] - Sets whether or not your friend can open your locked chests which are labeled with "@friends" (see Locking Items for more information). This can override the /ps setting.
- /friend permission [page] - Lists all the permissions given to friends on that page.
- /unfriend<friend> - Stop being friends with another player, or deny a friend request.
- /denyfriend <friend> - Denies a friend request.
The Empire has simple Commands for all of its features, starting with /assist for the basics.