Residence Groups
What are Residence Groups?(top)
Residence Groups can be created to easily manage permissions (Flags) for a large amount of people. Unlike Chat Groups, residence Groups are persistent until you remove them, and their only use is to set permissions. A player may exist in multiple Groups.
The number of Groups a player is able to create is dependent upon their supporter status:
- Free: 2 Groups, 5 users per group
- Iron: 5 Groups, 15 users per group
- Gold: 10 Groups, 30 users per group
- Diamond: 20 Groups, 50 users per group
Residence Groups Commands(top)
- /res gadd <groupname> <player1>[,player2,player3...] - Adds players to a group, creating the group if it does not exist already.
- /res gdel <groupname> <player1>[,player2,player3...] - Removes players from a group, but does not delete the group when no members remain.
- /res gremove <groupname> - Permanently deletes a group. Requires a confirmation.
- /res gset <groupname> <flag1>[,flag2,flag3] [t/f/r]- Sets a flag for the group just as pset works (you can specify multiple comma-separated Flags to set them at same time). This creates a group if one with that name doesn't exist.
- You can also use /res cgset <groupname>, which will open an easier-to-use chest interface. This gives you a full overview of all the available Flags that you can turn on or off by clicking on them.
- /res gcopy <fromGroup> <toGroup> - copies all permissions (BUT NOT PLAYERS) from one group to another.
- /res glist [groupname] - List Groups, showing permissions given to them, and the players in each group. Include a group name to show only that group, or leave it off to show all Groups.
- /res grename <fromGroup> <toGroup> - Renames a group. Its players and permissions remain with the new group name.
Using /res default will remove all players from any group they were previously in, but will not delete the Groups. However, this does not reset the group permissions, so those have to be manually reset.
/res info will show the group name that is giving the player the permission in blue so you know how to remove the permission from the player. However, it may be easier to check group permissions with /res glist rather than /res info.
If a player is in multiple Groups with conflicting permissions (group 1 has build flag set to true and group 2 has build flag set to false), the positive flag (true) will override the negative flag (false).
Examples of use(top)
If you have a few players who assist you in working with redstone mechanisms, you can create a "redstone" group to easily manage that group's permissions. Typing /res gadd redstone player1,player2,player3 will add three players to the "redstone" group so their permissions can be set at once with a command, such as /res gset redstone build,use,redstone true.
Now, if you had a store and had suppliers, you could manage their permissions in a group. By typing /res gadd suppliers player4,player2,player5, then /res gset suppliers container true, and /res gset suppliers shop false, it will allow your suppliers to access containers and disallow them from buying from the shop signs.
Notice that player2 appears in both the "redstone" and "suppliers" Groups. This will set player2's Flags to +build, +use, +redstone, +container, and -shop, the permissions gained from being in both Groups.
Access signs and Residence Groups(top)
Access signs can be used with residence Groups. The sign is set up the same way, with "access" on the first line. On the second line, use #[groupname]. This will give permissions for the group listed to interact with the object. On the other two lines, you can use another group name, a player name, or leave them blank.