Netherhound Egg
Type: Egg
Released: June 18th, 2013
Update:Survival Updates
Obtained by: Eggification of Netherhound when they were glitched.
Lore: Spawn Egg: Wolf [NOTE: when eggified after 1.8 and before 1.15]
If it is spawned, the Netherhound will keep its red-colored name, and it can be tamed. If it is renamed, it will lose its red name. If you breed two Netherhounds together, only a standard wolf will be born. If you eggify a Netherhound after spawning it, it will retain its red name. Note that the Netherhound is simply a renamed wolf, and has no properties of the Netherhound other than its name.
Any Netherhound re-eggified after the 1.8 update but before the 1.15 update will include a lore that reads "Spawn Egg: Wolf." This is because of a 1.9 change, and will occur if a 1.8 egg was placed and then eggified in 1.9-1.12. This change was reversed in 1.15, and Netherhounds eggified since 1.15 will have no lore.
EMC has a variety of custom-coded items for many uses.