Contribution Team Members

Dec 31, 2024
Contribution Team Members
  • You can learn more about the Contribution Team on the Empire Community Teams page.

    Each of the Community Teams has a leader or two. The Contribution Team's leader is MoreMoople.

    jewel_king joined EMC on June 26, 2015, and he joined the Contribution Team as a Wiki Researcher on May 15th, 2020. "Before I joined EMC, I was primarily a PvP and Mini-games player, one day I decided (for an unknown reason I can't remember) that I wanted to try a towny server. After some searching I found a list of Minecraft towny servers, and on that list was EMC!"

    What do you like to do IRL? Aside from video games I also enjoy most other types of games (board games, yard game etc) and I love to hangout with friends when I can
    Favorite animal and why: Cats glorious cats! They are wonderful floof balls who make snazzy scarfs! (and an endless source of funny pictures)
    Favorite Website:, because I can find all the other websites I like via Google
    Favorite thing about EMC: Unlike nearly every other server I have played on, EMC has the feeling of "everyone knows everyone" and I love how social it can be!
    Favorite color and why: Purple! I can't really think of any specific reason why, it's been my favorite for many years.
    Favorite Minecraft feature: The ability to jump! Need I say more?
    Favorite Minecraft block: Bowl block.
    If you were a mob in Minecraft, what would you be and what would you do?: I would be a combination ocelot and rabbit... run, jump, run, jump!
    Favorite music: I don't really have a favorite category, but I am a fan of TV show theme songs.
    Pets?: 2 cats and a dog! <3 floofs.
    If you had to lose one sense, what would it be?: Probably taste... maybe then someone would be able to get me to try some new foods =P
    Favorite cookie: Either sugar cookies or chocolate chip... or Thin Mints...
    Favorite quote: "Meow" -my cat
    Additional comments: Fred is Jeff's cat

    MoreMoople joined EMC on March 23, 2015, and she joined the Contribution Team on July 4th, 2018. She is also a member of the Senior Staff team, Developer team, the Build team, and the Media Team Leader. For more about MoreMoople, visit the Meet the Senior Staff page.

    Raaynn joined EMC on March 12, 2016, and he joined the Contribution Team on May 19th, 2021. He is also a member of the Moderation team. For more about Raaynn, visit the Meet the Moderators L-Z page.

    triphora joined EMC on July 20, 2017, and she joined the Contribution Team on April 29th, 2020. "I used to be part of another survival/Town server, but that went defunct, so I guess I probably found EMC on some server list. Which one? Dunno!"
    What do you like to do IRL? I am an urban planning student in the suburbs of Philadelphia - most of my time is spent on school. In my free time, I like to ride public transportation, and I occasionally volunteer at a tourist railroad.
    Favorite animal and why: Humans. I will not elaborate.
    Favorite Website: Google Maps
    Favorite thing about EMC: Vault
    Favorite color and why: Lavender purple. It is very soothing.
    Favorite Minecraft feature: Elytras are amazing to explore various areas both densely-packed and spread far apart (like buildings in Town are)
    Favorite Minecraft block: Composters are pretty neat. And they help reduce lag!
    If you were a mob in Minecraft, what would you be and what would you do?: I think that being an enderman would be pretty nice. They can teleport, they can befriend the shulkers, and they have a cool dragon overlord who can fly and shoot poison.
    Favorite music: I mainly listen to Japanese pop, as well as classic rock. My favorite artist at the moment is Ado.
    Pets?: I have two dogs and a cat, but I'm not really a pet-owner type of person.
    If you had to lose one sense, what would it be?: Touch! It's one that nobody thinks about, but it's the only one I wouldn't mind losing.
    Favorite cookie: Samoas, the Girl Scout cookie.
    Favorite quote: "Technically there's nothing beyond infinity. Buzz Lightyear is full of crap." -My high school math teacher
    Additional comments: Vagrerfgvat. Fb lbh xabj ubj gb qrpbqr guvf. CZ zr ba gur sbehzf jvgu "yvtugubhfr" naq V'yy tvir lbh n gubhfnaq ehcrrf. Nqqvgvbanyyl, GbzinaJvwara fnlf 1+1=11.

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