Meet the Moderators A-K
Moderators are tasked with keeping the Empire a fun and happy place for all players. Moderators handle rule-breakers, keep the forums and the in-game Chat clean, and often deal with general issues, concerns, or questions that players may have.
AnonReturnsJoined: December 20, 2014
Rank: Moderator
What do you like to do IRL? I recently finished university and training as a Microbiologist, and am very passionate about science! I currently play badminton three times a week, and occasionally trampoline and go bouldering ^_^ I prefer Marvel to DC, love Doctor Who, Sherlock, Game of Thrones and Harry PotterSometimes you can't beat a good book too <3
Favorite animal and why: I've loved Elephants since I was a child, I think I find their intelligence impressive!
Favorite Website: I've probably lost days of my life to Facebook... >_>
Favorite thing about EMC: The Community <3
Favorite color and why: Blue! I feel like it's a versatile colour that can match with most things.
Favorite Minecraft feature: The torch trick when clearing sand pillars xD
Favorite Minecraft block: Sea Lanterns
If you were a mob in Minecraft, what would you be and what would you do? I'd probably be a Creeper just looking for hugs ;-;
Favorite music: I'm yet to find a genre of music which I don't like!
Pets? Does Sachrock count?
If you had to lose one sense, what would it be? The ability to hear things.
Favorite cookie: Can't beat plain chocolate chip sometimes (with those ooey gooey centres) <3_<3
Favorite quote: "Only boring people get bored" - My Grandma
If you could meet one person, who would it be? Tom Hiddleston... :3
Additional comments: I just lost the game.
crystaldragon13Joined: October 26th, 2013
Rank: Moderator
I'll tell you what I didn't come here looking for .. a Community. I had no idea that was even possible. I'm so glad all my searching paid off and believe me .. I searched! ,-,"
What do you like to do IRL? "I love the out doors, exploring all the wonderful little and sometimes big nooks and crannies and the creatures that live there. Water is a big thing for me. I love playing in the water.. rain, puddles, ponds, oceans, etc. Gardening is also one of the things I love to do. Nothing like some good smellin' dirt. mmmhmm lol"
Favorite animal and why: uuuumm..I.. I .. I'm not sure I have a favorite. I really love all animals. i don't know.. I just love animals.
Favorite Website: "youtube? Love learning new things & how to do things for myself so being a visual learner as well as a hands on kinda person, youtube was made just for me! =D
So cool of them to do that for me. =>"
Favorite thing about EMC: "What I found that I didn't realize I was looking for .. the Community. I've made friends from all over the world. How awesome is that!!? It's a wonderful place for kids and adults to be get to be able to get together is a safe place and play together, make new friends, meet people you'd never be able to meet. It really does have everything. Where else can you customize your own experience as far as the wild goes? One of the things I really love is that the emphasis isn't on punishment so much as it's giving the person the chance to chose the respectful way of doing things by having consequences to your own actions. Again, that comes back to having a place where that can and does happen. I tell people that I may vacation on another server for a bit but I always come back home to EMC. "
Favorite color and why: "Such hard questions! D: How to choose just one! Black! =D Artistically speaking it would be all the colors. =] Hmm, why? I guess because it is all the colors. You can pull from that and be any color you feel like atm. Purple is nice too but it's not my color but a nice burnt orange is pretty good too. "
Favorite Minecraft feature: The addition of animals as pets. =D
Favorite Minecraft block: "It's a toss up between dirt and sand. Oh! but then there's the pumpkin.
Dirt.. I guess it would have to be dirt. "
If you were a mob in Minecraft, what would you be and what would you do? "I would be some sort of 'nature' mob. I would be able to repair an area around me such as trees, dirt, etc but you would need to give me at least one of the things needing to be repaired. It probably would be a random formation suited for that biome. I would appear randomly & disappear after the repair. I'd also be glowie. =D"
Favorite music: I like all kinds of music really. it all depends on the mood I'm in. =]
Pets? At the moment I have 2 dogs. Nellie, she's an Australian cattle dog & Brownie (I didn't name him that) he's a Standard American Pitbull so he's taller and thinner. I have too many cats. =/ I rescued a mom & her six babies while visiting my Grandma in OK (while the last tornado's came rippin' thru a couple of years ago). So if any of you would like a very soft and lovable kitty... hint(not Lucky or BKpony lol). Talk to me. They would need to be house cats. Just sayin'.
If you had to lose one sense, what would it be? " O_O Really? You gonna make me choose? Well, let me think. . .taste. Now I'm thinking about all the things I'd miss.. good chocolate, a nice glass of wine, yummy foods. D: As bad as that would be .. losing the others would be worse i think."
Favorite cookie: shortbread made with real butter. mmmmm
Favorite quote: Completely blanking here.. I'm sure as soon as I hit submit I'll get a ton of 'em flying thru mai brain but for now I got nothin'.
If you could meet one person, who would it be? "Wow, so many... Susan B. Anthony. I love to be able to tell her that what she did mattered not just for women but for everyone. That ball she help push along is still rolling and expanding right for everyone .. albeit rather slowly sometimes."
jaqqueJoined: April 24th, 2016
Rank: Moderator
What do you like to do IRL? I like to complain about the Southern California traffic, while simultaneously doing nothing to improve it. I also enjoy hiking and biking.
Favorite animal and why: My favorite animal is the modern house cat. Our only companion animal that we did not actively domesticate, instead they chose to live with us.
My favorite insect is the dragonfly. So unstable in flight it hovers. I identify with that a lot.
Favorite Website: I don't know how favorite it is, but the most useful one to me is If I have a question, it will find an answer. It's really great with the answer matches the questions.
Favorite thing about EMC: The players. The players, the Community, is the major differentiating factor. I will paraphrase my former University Librarian and say EMC has the "best players ever"
Favorite color and why: I like black. The summation of all colors, the absence of all colors, the void. If it were a cat, it would be loud and want chicken.
Favorite Minecraft feature: Best Minecraft feature is Elytra + rockets. However not in the Nether - that is a certain recipe for me to hurt myself.
Favorite Minecraft block: Sea lanterns are my favorite Minecraft block. The best looking light source out there. Followed quickly by black concrete, for making monoliths.
My second favorite is smooth stone. It is so adaptable to many different situations. Slabs, bricks, brick slabs, brick stairs. It can even become cobblestone, if you want a different look.
If you were a mob in Minecraft, what would you be and what would you do? I am at home, enjoying a nice quiet time. In the dark, in my block. I hear footsteps. I hear the clank of a pickax. It's the Player, knocking on my door. I jump out, to say hi to my visitor. The Player pulls out a sword and tries to strike me! I run back to the safety of my home.
I am small, I am grey, I live in a rock. I am a silverfish.
Favorite music: 80's. What can I say? Best decade of music, ever. I listen mostly to the alternative and punk genres. Modern artists I like are Taylor Swift and Lana Del Rey.
Pets? Currently, I have one dog (Leeloo) and five cats (Siduri, Buddha, Nyx, Ganymede and Bastian). Former cats include Bela, her four children (Pandora, Schroedinger, Jezebel, and Banshee) plus the two extra boys we got later (Athena and Osiris).
Of the cats, only Siruri and Bastian aren't (or weren't) black.
If you had to lose one sense, what would it be? The one sense I would willing lose would be my sense of direction. I barely have it as it is. All these mine shafts look a like to me, please send out a search and rescue party.
Favorite cookie: Oatmeal Raisin. The most deliciously disappointing cookie out there. You reach for the chocolate chip and instead you get a nice healthy bite of oatmeal and raisin.
Favorite quote: """Perfect is the enemy of good"" -Voltaire
This is a thought I keep in my head quite often as I attempt new and challenging projects. It's a thought I keep in my head when I am doing something I have done many times before. "
If you could meet one person, who would it be? If I could, I would like to meet my great-grandfather. I hope that he would be proud of the person that carries his name.
JNightwindJoined: June 2nd, 2012
Rank: Moderator
JohnKidJoined: Dec. 23rd ,2015
Rank: Moderator
What do you like to do IRL? I'm a bit of a creative soul so I enjoy singing and drawing very much! While I'm not perfect at either, I work hard at them in hopes of getting better, and enjoy them regardless of skill.
Favorite animal and why: Wolves! They're giant and mysterious, but beautiful creatures.
Favorite Website: Spotify, if only because I can find specific playlists for the specific genres I enjoy!
Favorite thing about EMC: My favourite thing and what I love about EMC is the Community. It's awesome to see how players in the Community, old and new, can come together and come up with new and amazing things. From stunning builds, to player events and event ideas, to ways they can help each other, it's all pretty amazing to see! I enjoy it.
Favorite color and why: Light blue, because it gives me a calming feeling and makes me think of the sky!
Favorite Minecraft feature: Duel wielding! Being able to hold food or torches in one hand while mining or fighting with the other makes adventures so much better! I can still hold a sword in my hand while I eat food, so that if a mob suddenly comes out of the corner, I'm not scrambling to get my sword from another slot in the hotbar, can just stop eating and defend! It makes things just a little more convenient, haha.
Favorite Minecraft block: My favourite block is probably the quartz block. I enjoy using it and making stairs and slabs and designing things out of them, and it just pops out a little. Not to mention, I enjoy bouncing around the Nether and mining, so quartz isn't too terrible to go out and get!
If you were a mob in Minecraft, what would you be and what would you do? If I were a mob in minecraft, I would probably want to be a parrot! I would likely enjoy bouncing around and flying, and being able to imitate what I hear. I enjoy music too, so I'd likely be much like them and dance to music!
Favorite music: "I enjoy the softer side of Pop, for the most part! Songs like Stay with me by Sam Smith, Unsteady by X ambassadors, and so on would fall undee this kind of genre.
However, a small artist that I like outside of this genre and these types of songs is Hi I'm Case, a bandcamp, patreon, and youtube artist at the moment!"
Pets? We have four cats and three dogs. Our newest pet was a dog we named Luke, and our oldest one is named Zoey, running on about 15-16 years!
If you had to lose one sense, what would it be? Smell, probably. While I do much enjoy the smell of certain foods, I know the smell of other things can be awful, and my nose is sensitive so cleaning product scents and strong scents of candles and so on burn! It's something I'd likely be able to learn to live without, were I to lose it, haha.
Favorite cookie: White chocolate macadamia nut cookies. Yum!
Favorite quote: "You are never too old to set a another goal or dream a new dream." C.S. Lewis
If you could meet one person, who would it be? I would want to meet my grandmother on my mom's side. My mother's mother passed away in a motorcycle accident when my mom was 12, so I never got to meet her and know what she was like. I have been told by family and older folks who knew her that there are things about me that remind me of her, so part of me has always wondered what she must have been like!
Additional comments: -I have a drive to build and create both inside and outside of minecraft, so I have a tendency to have something in that aspect to talk about!
- Foods new to you are generally worth the try -- you never know what you may End up liking!
-It's nice to see so many people (including myself!) involved in the Community and enjoying themselves. I hope to see it for a long time to come!
Our Community is active in many places.
Last Modified: Dec 31, 2024 at 1:35 AM