Feast for a King

Apr 18, 2021
Feast for a King
  • Feast for a King

    Type: Misc
    Released: November 26th, 2014
    Update: Event Item
    Obtained by: Find a Feast Chest during the Thanksgiving Event since 2014
    Lore: You have found a Feast Chest!
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Originally released in November 2014 for Thanksgiving, this paper could be found in the Feast Chests that randomly spawned in the Frontier and the Wastelands during the Thanksgiving Event annually since 2014.

    Upon spawning, a gold-colored message would appear in the player's Chat with the approximate coordinates of the Feast Chest. Within the chest was the Feast paper and a variety of food items.

    This paper has no function beyond its use as a display item.

    EMC has a variety of custom-coded items for many uses.