Discord Rules

Aug 17, 2024
  • Discord is a great tool for communicating with other players on EMC. Because of its popularity, some rules and policies have been created, to assure everyone gets the best possible experience.

    Discord rules(top)

    Cyberbullying is a BIG issue on the internet and here on EMC it is never acceptable. We have rules to counter it, and we work with the Community to prevent it.

    Do not discuss staff reports/incidents over Discord(top)

    Discord should not, in any case, be used to discuss staff related topics or report rule-breakers. Those must be done via private messaging on the forums or the /report feature. If necessary you can email support@empireminecraft.com

    Do not use inappropriate language(top)

    Discord has many different text and voice channels. These channels observe the regular EMC rules, which permit PG language and do not permit inappropriate topics. You can find out more about this on the main Rules page.

    The use of PG language extends to both name choices and statuses. If your Discord username is inappropriate for EMC, you can use the command /nick in the Chat bar to set an appropriate nickname.

    Breaking those rules will result in consequences on Discord and possibly extend to in-game punishment as well. Ask a staff member if you have a question about what is and isn't allowed. Accidents happen and a simple warning usually sets people right. If someone is cursing more than what can be considered accidental, then please report the issue to a staff member. Remember that we are a family-friendly server.

    Do not be rude or bully others(top)

    Being rude is not allowed and repetitive instances are considered bullying. Don't do it EVER and you won't have any issues. Treat others better than you expect them to treat you.

    Do not spam or refuse to utilize push-to-talk when necessary(top)

    If your mom/grandma/husband/little kid is shouting in the background, the other players on Discord don't want to have the voice channel spammed with your personal issues broadcasting across the channel. Once in a blue moon is an accident. Every time you are online is a blatant disregard for the people in the channel.

    Do not record others without their permission(top)

    Recording on Discord or streaming to outside of Discord should only be done if all the players in the channel agree to it. Use a designated channel for Streaming and Recording.

    Reporting Discord issues appropriately(top)

    • Any Discord issue should be reported to Admins directly via pmadmin.emc.gs with any and all witnesses include if they are testifying
    • If 3 witnesses testify to issues from an account that staff deems against Discord/EMC policies, that account will be tempbanned from Discord for 1 week as a starting point. Repetitive instances will result in longer periods of punishment.
    • False testifying can result in your own account being banned. This reporting system is something not to be abused and is meant to help the players that we haven't been able to help. Please don't use this system incorrectly.
    • If you are permanently banned from EMC, you will be permanently banned from Discord.

    Last Updated: August 17, 2024
    Please follow the simple and fair EMC rules derived from our professional staff team.