Enraged Zombie

Sep 29, 2023
Enraged Zombie
  • Enraged Zombie
    Class: Enraged
    Released: June 18th, 2013
    Update: Survival Updates
    Spawn: Overworld
    Health (HP): 35
    Impact of player settings

    General Information(top)

    Enraged Zombies attack like normal zombies, but are much faster and stronger. They are immune to fire damage, and are usually on fire.

    Enraged Zombies will spawn in the same light levels as normal zombies, but are more uncommon, and have a higher chance to drop their head when killed.

    Momentus will often spawn several Enraged Guardian to assist itself in battle, and these Enraged Guardians are similar to Enraged Zombies.



    Note: Based on difficulty 5. These tables focus on Custom Items. If you notice an error, contact MoreMoople

    There's an array of EMC exclusive mobs in the Wastelands and Frontier.

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