Enraged Creeper
Enraged Creeper
Class: Enraged
Released: June 21st, 2013
Update: Survival Updates
Spawn: Overworld
Health (HP): 40
Impact of player settings
General Information(top)
Released on June 21st, 2013, Enraged Creepers were later added to the Survival Update as a surprise feature.
Enraged Creepers' attacks are unlike regular Creepers' attacks: when they explode, they do not damage any blocks; they release a fire nova around them in their blast radius, which does not damage them. Enraged Creepers look like charged Creepers on fire.
Enraged Creepers will spawn in the same light levels needed for regular Creepers to spawn, but are more uncommon, and have a higher chance to drop their Heads when slain.
Item Quantity Rarity
Note: Based on difficulty 5. These tables focus on Custom Items. If you notice an error, contact MoreMoople
There's an array of EMC exclusive mobs in the Wastelands and Frontier.
Todd_Vinton, Nickblockmaster and CoDe4RiDeR like this.