Server Online Information

May 31, 2020
Server Online Information
  • PLEASE NOTE: The contents of this page are intended to be used by developers only. While you are more than welcome to experiment and create amazing stuff with these APIs, we can't guarantee we'll be able to support you in doing so. Anything made with our APIs must adhere to the EMC Terms & Conditions and API Rules.

    The Server Online Information APIs can be used to gain a list of all the online players on a server, and also show information about those players.

    View the API Reference page for information concerning the use of EMC's APIs.


    You can access this API by performing a GET request on the URL You should replace the hash (#) with the number of the server that you are trying to get the online list for. The server numbers are not the most intuitive thing ever; a spoiler found below shows the server numbers.
    SMP1 = 1
    SMP2 = 2
    SMP3 = 4
    SMP4 = 5
    SMP5 = 6
    SMP6 = 7
    SMP7 = 8
    SMP8 = 9
    SMP9 = 10
    Utopia = 3
    Games Server = 200


    Example Response:

    Please note that this example response is for illustrative purposes - this is the format in which the results will be given in.

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