Enraged Skeleton

Sep 28, 2020
Enraged Skeleton
  • Enraged Skeleton
    Class: Enraged
    Released: June 18th, 2013
    Update: Survival Updates
    Spawn: Overworld
    Health (HP): 40
    Impact of player settings

    General Information(top)

    Enraged Skeletons are faster and stronger versions of regular skeletons. Enraged Skeletons have higher attack and defense, are immune to fire, and are on fire. Enraged Skeletons do NOT take damage from sunlight, making this foe a bit more challenging.

    Enraged Skeletons will spawn in the same light levels as regular skeletons, but are slightly more uncommon with a higher chance to drop their Heads.

    Marlix will often spawn Enraged Guardian to assist itself in battle, and these Enraged Guardians are similar to Enraged Skeletons.


    Enraged Skeletons are the only way to obtain a Flame level 2 bow. Flame is capped at level 1 in vanilla gameplay.


    Note: Based on difficulty 5. These tables focus on Custom Items. If you notice an error, contact MoreMoople

    * Enchantments: U = Unbreaking, P = Power, F = Flame, Inf = Infinity

    There's an array of EMC exclusive mobs in the Wastelands and Frontier.