2017 New Year Aikar Signature
Happy New Years from Aikar
Type: Book
Released: December 31st, 2016
Update:Event Item
Obtained by: Drop party loot
Attributes: By Aikar / Original
Lore: Wishing you a happy new years for 2017!
Here's to another year on EMC!
Aikar dropped the signed book to pay tribute to the past year (2016).
The contents of the book are as follows:
Happy New Year EMC!
~ 2017 ~
2016 has been a great year for EMC, with 2 major version upgrades, and the release of the Anti-Griefing System.
A new Sr Staff and a new Developer too!
Here's looking forward to an even better 2017, further working towards the EMC vision.
Not familiar with "The Vision?"
Our next main goal is Empires and Outposts. This will be a huge deal for the wild.
Remember to encourage all of your friends who do not play on Empire Minecraft to come and join you and forge your Empire!
~ Aikar
EMC has a variety of custom-coded items for many uses.