Empire has updated to 1.8!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, May 5, 2015.

  1. at this point I made the code work so well now I don't know if we get any real 'benefit' from using barrier blocks in wastelands.

    But the idea of an invisible maze interests me ;) maybe a pvp arena...
  2. Why not use force fields for the wastelands? It is visible.
    JackBiggin likes this.
  3. You could use them at a wasteland spawn and encase a beacon with it just to tease thieves.:p
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  4. /worldborder pl0x
    PenguinDJ, AmusedStew and SkyDragonv8 like this.
  5. Forcefields by default allow you to go through them in certain cases, plus when you die beyond them you can't reclaim your stuff easily
  6. I'm wondering about the boats that go past the border...
    lost so many boats..
    entity count skyrocketing from people losing boats while trying to find ocean monuments xD
    1 million boats just floating out there now rofl
    bluebiscuit2007 likes this.
  7. If I renamed each boat that I lost so far... the feels...
    Gawadrolt and SteamingFire like this.
  8. We/Aikar could look into having the forcefield visual, with the current edge control. Would want to be careful to not create unnecessary redundancy that would cause performance issues though
  9. Is anyone else's IcC head acting like a steve head, even after vaulting it? From what I found on skin search sites, he doesn't have a steve skin...
  10. Didn't see it reported yet but every time I log out and log back in one of the heads on one of my armor stands always reverts to steve head until I take it off and place it again then the entire time im on its okay but seems to revert every time I log off.
  11. Maybe this was mentioned already, but there's an issue when teleporting while riding a horse. Once you teleport, you can't move anywhere, until you get down from the horse. So if you want to bring a horse to the waste, you have teleport, then get off the horse, then get back onto it, before you can ride off (but it's not limited to teleports to the waste; it happens when teleporting just within town).
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  12. Can an Underwater Mob Arena be a thing? Maybe a flooded Mob Arena?
  13. Would this be the same or similar to the way it was with a cap of 39xp or continually increase.
  14. We need an underwater pvp arena! :D
  15. Is there something in 1.8 that fireworks cant be launched from dispensers because it my empire firework does not work any more in a dispenser but it does in my hand
  16. Are angry pigmen supposed to drop xp when they fall? in my 1.8 test world they do, but on here they wont. Did you change the code at all?
  17. I just tried it. They dropped XP for me.
  18. Actaully don't go by this. I killed 3 pigs, 2 where agro from killing the 1st so it's possible that the first one was the only one to drop XP. (The non-agro one)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  19. Sorry for triple post, but tested it out again. Made them agro and XP did drop.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  20. OK... I built one of those new villager wheat farms on the my 2nd res next to me... It was the 18X18 type from youtube.
    The villagers would stay against the back wall closest to my other res where I had a villager building on it with like 40 doors. They would only harvest the first 3 or 4 row away from that wall. I went over to my other res and broke all the doors out of the building and they are now harvesting the entire farmland on the opposite res and not hugging that wall anymore. Is this an issue cause I own both res's or will a villager wheat farm break or not be fully utilized if my neighbor's res has a village on it?