So what is your biggest pet peeve? I have multiple, but these are a few. 1. People who think wasps are bees, or bees are deadly. As someone who grew up in a Beekeeping family people who instantly kill innocent bees, even bees who are minding their own business collecting honey need to be slapped across the back of the head. 2. People who chew with their mouths open. Just stop 3. Ripping the surface of cardboard to get that scratchy sound. 4. People who call metal and rock "just noise." The pit of ignorance. 5. People who wear band shirts without listening to them. This is super common with metallica and nirvana shirts, if you don't know the band, just don't wear their shirts, in the music world if you wear a band shirt it shows that you like their music, and it's open conversation for other fans of the same band. 6. Girls on instagram who say "YAAAS QUEEN" or any form of social media, just stop spamming cringy things in full caps. 7. People who brag about being on a diet when you're eating something unhealthy. 8. When a popular rock or metal song comes on and someone who only listens to pop music says "WOO!" I love that song!" and start to act like they know every rock album to exist. This ruined so many songs for me. 9. Mumble rappers 10. Modern dancing 11. People who show off their 'amazing' vocal skills in public. 12. People who don't say thank you. 13. Selfies 14. People who defend themselves like they are the victim. 15. When people say "cool beans" 16. when people say "heck" 17. Big meme pages on instagram who are private and only post 2 unfunny twitter memes and follow the rest of the chain post with "LIKE THIS OR YOU WILL DIE IN 0.56 SECONDS" and other useless like games and ads. 18. When I am someone's Pet Peeve
Wait, what? I had one recently. There's a creator creating tracks for Re-Volt, a game I play, and he makes his music not loop. He puts background music on his levels, and they repeat once, and then fade out, and then start over again. It's terrible. I asked him to change it, he asked what and how, I said how and even attached an example, and offered to do it for him, and then he said "Actually, I've decided that I'm not going to do this." Come on!! I've now fixed them all for personal use, but I hate how this makes me like his tracks so much less, because of this strange stubbornness of him, while otherwise I really like his tracks. I might think of something more general later. Actually, I do now. When people misuse words. I don't mean when someone says 'terrific' when they mean something positive, but when someone says 'literally' when they don't mean it, or misuse a word like 'karma'. Also, when someone refers to Jesus unnecessarily. I mean, I like mentioning Jesus, but in some examples it doesn't seem to do him justice. For example, I think that every time I see someone or something walking on water, someone says "He's Jesus". Just like only Jesus could walk on water. I dare say everyone could, if they were asked to and believed in it. Peter did it. Perhaps this last one isn't fully justified, but it surely is a 'pet peeve' of mine, if I got the meaning right.
Sorry, I was meaning people who make a big deal out of it and act like they are complete rock gods. i'll edit it.
Calling all of rock and metal "Screamo" METAL ELITISTS Attila Modern Kids-Teens TV Shows, anything iCarly and before is golden Rappers and fashion icons wearing metal band shirts Snapchat Basically everything above
Fake people. When I say this, I don't mean mannequins or bots. I mean the people that do things just because it's "popular" or "cool" instead of being themselves and having their own individual style and personality. I believe that there's different gifts and abilities within every individual person, and it saddens me when someone is too busy thinking about fitting in to see the wonderful thing makes them who they are.
People who get annoyed when other people simply enjoy things unnecessary romantic subplots someone correcting someone else's grammar even though they know exactly what they were trying to say when shows/movies portray a "sexy" scene within the first fifteen minutes and it's not even relevant to the plot love triangles intense sappiness (I have problems watching people handle strong emotions)
What annoys me of the most is when people say 'No More' instead of 'anymore' And You can't get any worse than 'worse'. 'Worser' or 'worsest'
worse is not the worst word. worst is the worst word, while worse just means more bad than one thing. Worst is an absolute
When people say dancing is easy. When people think dance and cheer are the same thing. Being left on read/opened.
Reminds me of my pet peeve! When messaging apps have the 'last seen' and 'read/opened' on as defaults and offer no way to turn them off. I'm not asking people to not get offended when I've left on them read so I can respond later, either by accident or on purpose, because I'd be offended too. I just want the means for them to get offended removed so I can live my life in peace rather than give someone the gratification of a quick reply/giving conversation I don't want when I don't want to talk to them/anyone at that moment in time. The only thing I'd like widespread use of SMS back for is people not knowing when you've read a message.
I'll share a few weird ones for your entertainment: When people pronounce foreign place names or food names in that foreign object's native tongue despite being in an English context (it just sounds massively pretentious) Example: "Oh, we had a lovely holiday in MĂ©jico! Simply delightful." --Some hypothetical mom from Iowa Exception is if the speaker is actually a native speaker to the word and it simply comes naturally, particularly for food names like "tamale" (which is obviously pronounced differently in Spanish). Several food pet peeves including but not limited to: Cutting the crusts off bread Putting ketchup on top of french fries rather than dipping them Folding pizza (this is a biggie) The use of the word "queen" in any situation other than referring to actual royalty (mentioned above)
I forgot one. People who don't flush the toilet, especially after they released the extraterrestrial matter of last night's mexican food. Cat hair everywhere Cat hair on my band t-shirts, holy crap this annoys me Cat hair on my guitar People who hate cats and like to watch them suffer