Maybe some people do, but I prefer to stay "shut up" during a movie so others can enjoy it without any unnecessary talking...
Wanting to work on your vehicle to make it the biggest, greatest, rig but the only thing hampering you is time and money
When my cat, bless his heart, jumps on the record player when a record is playing. He doesn't understand the chaotic evil he has become. Also, when I have to do all the work for a time-consuming and/or really important project. But... that's all of the time, so...
When people send two, three or even four text messages while they could have easily sent one if they hadn't pressed 'send' so soon. Now that so many people have unlimited text messages, and that most people primarily use WhatsApp to communicate, this seems to be a very common habit. And it is a big inconvenience to me. Why: when I receive a text message, I assume that the person has said all they want to say, so I read it and start typing a response. If I then get another text message, not only might some of the message I'm writing be outdated, but I have to close the message writer (saving a draft) to be able to see the new text message. This is probably not an issue on most modern phones, or at least most smartphones, but it is on my phone. It is also annoying to hear the message ringtone so often in a row.
One of my pet peeves is when someone is eating something crunchy and the first bite is with their mouth open.