Voter's Block
Voter's Block
Type: Block
Released: June 1st, 2013
Update:Event Item
Obtained by: Winning one released every few months by taking part in an Empire Voting Contest.
The original Voter's Blocks were handed out as prizes in the 2013 voting contest, and were all diamond blocks. The next generation of Voter's Blocks were released on November 2nd, 2014. The name was not yet changed, but a redstone, emerald, and beacon Voter's Blocks were introduced as part of the contest. In the 2016 voting contest, diamond, redstone, emerald, and beacon Voter's Blocks were released.
In the 2019 voting contest, iron and gold Voter's Blocks were introduced as part of the contest.
There are only limited supplies of each block in circulation.
You may place the blocks and break them and they will not lose their custom name.
EMC has a variety of custom-coded items for many uses.
cyberazaz101, Faithcaster, Olaf_C and 1 other person like this.