Hostile and Passive Mob Heads
[Mob] Head
Type: Head
Released: July 25th, 2015
Update:Survival Updates
Obtained by: Dropped by respective mob
As of the Survival Updates (2.0), more Heads were added and the head dropped will reflect the version of the mob that you killed.
Enraged Mobs have a higher chance of dropping a head.
The item name of mob Heads is formatted like this: [Mob] Head. They do not have lore but do have 3 NBT tags, which normal renamed Heads do not have.
The Piglin Head which was added in the Survival Update was removed in the 1.20 Update, as Piglin Heads were added to vanilla Minecraft drops. (see here)
Outside of vanilla Heads, the available hostile Heads are:
- Bee
- Blaze
- Bogged
- Breeze
- Cave Spider
- Charged Creeper (Enraged Creeper now drops this)
- Drowned
- Elder Guardian
- Enderman
- Endermite
- Enraged Shulker
- Evoker
- Ghast
- Guardian
- Hoglin
- Husk
- Illusioner
- Magma Cube
- Netherhound
- Phantom
- Piglin Brute
- Polar Bear
- Ravager
- Shulker
- Skeleton Horse
- Slime
- Spider
- Silverfish
- Stray
- Vex
- Vindicator
- Warden
- Witch
- Wither Skeleton
- Zoglin
- Zombie Horse
- Zombie Villager
- Zombified Piglin
- Allay
- Armadillo
- Axolotl (lucy/wild/gold/cyan/blue)
- Bat
- Camel
- Cat (all black/British short hair/calicocathead/jellie/persian/ragdoll/red/siamese/tabby/tuxedo/white)
- Cow
- Chicken
- Dolphin
- Donkey
- Fox (red/snow)
- Frog (cold/warm/temperate)
- Glow Squid
- Goat
- Horse (black, brown, chestnut, creamy, dark brown, gray, and white)
- Iron Golem
- Llama (brown, creamy, gray, and white)
- Mooshroom Cow (red/brown)
- Mule
- Ocelot (untamed)
- Ocelot (tamed: black cat, tabby cat, and tuxedo cat)
- Pig
- Panda (regular/brown)
- Parrot (blue, cyan, green, gray, and red)
- Rabbit (black, black and white, brown, gold, salt and pepper, white, and Toast)
- Sniffer
- Snow Golem
- Squid
- Strider
- Sheep (all 16 colors)
- Turtle
- Villager
- Wandering Trader
- Wolf (pale only; variants will be added soon)
EMC has a variety of custom-coded items for many uses.
natesam34, Todd_Vinton, jpruitt2297 and 1 other person like this.