Arena Longbow
Arena Longbow
Type: Weapon
Released: June 27th, 2013
Update:Event Item
Obtained by: Winning special Mob Arena round
Lore: A grand Longbow won in the Arena.
"A true Archer's Longbow"
Edition: #001
Enchantments: Unbreaking III, Infinity I, Flame I, Punch II, Power V
- The first bow was awarded as a prize during a special End-of-the-month Mob Arena round held by Maxarias on June 27th, 2013.
- The second bow was awarded on December 20th, 2014 by RainbowChin as part of EMC's 12 Days of Christmas Mob Arena Event.
- The third bow was released as a part of RainbowChin's Mob Arena event on July 25th, 2015 to celebrate Empire Minecraft's Fourth Birthday.
- The fourth bow was released on September 26th, 2015 by RainbowChin, after another End-of-the-month Mob Arena event.
- The fifth bow was released on January 17th, 2018 by JDHallows. It was awarded to the winner of the Mob Arena part of his Super Sunday Spectacular event.
EMC has a variety of custom-coded items for many uses.
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