That moment when....

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by WayneKramer, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. You really seem to be unlucky with how the game targets lightning...
    NuclearBobomb and WardleDeBoss like this.
  2. That moment when... you create a thread that is still going 2.5 years and 62 pages later.
  3. Yup. :) Since 2015, that often happens. And I like it. :)
    Two examples of such threads from before 2015: The Random Screenshot Thread, and the Funny Picture Thread. :)
    padde73 likes this.
  4. That moment when you you're lazy as hell but you're starving so you just keep on starving.
    NuclearBobomb and MeddlesomeFoxy like this.
  5. The moment when you get food tho. Greatest feeling ever
    padde73 likes this.
  6. true dat, unfortunately that haven't happend so far...
    NuclearBobomb likes this.
  7. that moment when...

    Rubbing it in much? :confused:

  8. Yah, 2 posts in a row... watch me no care, SMP2 is a busy server (at the right time)

    That moment when... Empire emotions...

    So I was about to run off when my old friend AussieZaid came online. We go back a long way, he was the guy who greeted me and showed me around on the Empire, and we haven't seen each other for a while. Heck, he even went derelict :(

    Obviously us meeting up was special. But it became even more special when Aussie showed me his cool new pets:

    Aussie, you rock! :cool:

    btw... We also did a good old fashioned skin comp and guess what? People enjoyed themselves :) Nothing beats the original :)

    (can't do a full review, was too busy laughing and spilling my drinks) :D

    Another awesome Friday on the Empire!!
    607, _Devuu__ and PhoenixAffinity like this.

  9. Heh, nice mule butt shot!
    NuclearBobomb and ShelLuser like this.
  10. ... You was planning to leave...

    Really? (I decited to be anti-social, and left anyway....)
  11. That moment when you get the screen shot of the year!!!

    (Click to enlarge and use scrolls to center pic)
  12. Someone get this man a trophy for "Best Minecraft Screenshot of 2017"
  13. These images are kinda old (by about 2 months).

    That moment when a couple of players call for Angelic Support (me) to take down a Momentus! :D

    The reward afterward... relieved players!

    ShelLuser likes this.
  14. That moment when you feel so good after eating all your Halloween candy, but realize that tomorrow’s gonna feel worse than death :(

  15. Because as we all know: 1024 votes should be enough for everyone (or was that kb?) :D
    NuclearBobomb, 607 and Merek_Shadower like this.
  16. Aaah, loving that reference. :D
  17. That moment when... Revelations!

    Overworld:Nether relation is 8:1. Ergo... We can cover 17k blocks with 2k2 blocks easily... and as I told Aya here: that should definitely be doable. Sometimes it pays off to be in the Frontier rather than the Wastelands (note: in the waste the overworld/nether relation is pretty much 1:1).

    I found a new project and I'm definitely going to "blog" about this :) Expect a Frontier thread revival "soonish" :)

    (who said Minecraft was boring? meh, probably boring people! :D)
  18. ... your internet is getting worse...

  19. That moment when the new player says they're rubbish at building... Let me give you a hand!

    edit: yup im pretty sure they disconnected and never returned lol
  20. That moment when... you subscribed to over 100 youtubers and finish watching your sub page.