[Suggestion] Add Leaderboard for Rupees and Tokens

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by RandomZh, Dec 14, 2016.

  1. You can't buy rupees anymore
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. Dude, can I get a little loan?
  3. Currently you cant. There is no guarantee that won't change in the future. Supportership also gives us an income. As long as there is or was a way to convert real life currency to Rupees I think my point has validity.
    Equinox_Boss, kaptrix and 607 like this.
  4. "Whether you’re all about braving it in the wild to gather resources for your amazing build, while running into Custom Mobs and challenges, or you want to dominate the market by having the best mega mall and shop in Town, the Empire has everything you need and more!" - part of the EMC server description

    And nothing says domination like a huge pile of rupees!

    People play different ways. If a certain leaderboard holds no interest for you don't have to look at it. Any new player should quickly understand when joining a mature server with many long time players, getting to the top of anything won't be easy. We don't need censorship and coddling - it's just a game.

    I liked when Aikar posted that (though I didn't actually give it a like because Aikar gets enough of those! - jk). I didn't see an uproar from, or a meltdown of, the community. That's one step away from just having the top 25 balances listed.

    Personally, I'd "opt out" from having my name directly associated with a rupee or token leaderboard, but I'd sure like to see where I am.
  5. It doesn't really matter because we all know that JustinGuy has the most money.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  6. Woukd it surprise u if i told u that justinguy doesnt feel the need ti /pay himself for no reason? Ss+ dont participate in economy.
    the thing aikar said must be old, i know someone with 52million.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. It is over a year old, but it was - and to a degree, still is - cool and interesting.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  8. I think we all know who that is :p
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  9. I actually don't, to be honest. :p
    Equinox_Boss, MatthewDA and 607 like this.
  10. You mean something like this? ;)

    It's the one thing I don't fully get: there is already an XP leaderboard, both for the current month and the XP in total yet that doesn't seem to bother anyone.
    Equinox_Boss and TomvanWijnen like this.
  11. -9000.

    We had rupee leaderboards way back in 2011 to about 2012-ish. Newbies and other players would bug the rich players endlessly for rupees. It was annoying and people eventually turned chats off to get away from the golddigging.

    Eventually, and thankfully, they were taken down!
    The_Mancub, Jelle68, 607 and 4 others like this.
  12. And this brings us to an elementary problem, but one which we probably shouldn't discuss because there's no true "right" or "wrong" here. But I do feel the need to mention this nonetheless...

    One option was to turn off the feature. But the other option could have been to set up and enforce some rules a little more thorough, now referring to the 'no begging' rule (no idea if that existed back there).

    Of course that in itself can have plenty of undesirable consequences. Let's be honest: a lot of players enjoy the Empire so much because it doesn't feel as if you're playing in a police state, unlike some 'other' places ;) Staff does uphold the rules, no arguments, but their primary task is to help players. And that really shows I think.

    But yeah, as mentioned, I couldn't help mention this possibility as well.
    MatthewDA and Equinox_Boss like this.
  13. This ^ is exactly why I think this is a bad idea. Remember when I said this?
    We didn't even make it out of the thread before this happened. Not everyone wants their rupee amount guessed at or spread around. If you want to brag about how much money you have, make a status about it, or heck, make a thread about it and people can fawn over your awesome rupee amount.
  14. @ShelLuser

    The reason why there is a exp one is for the fact that no one can go there and beg you for exp, you can't transfer them to accounts, there is not much to show. Plus does not show your exact amount. Shows the exp levels all together.

    With rupees comes the issue of those who beg for rupees, those who try to be your friend for rupees, and those who won't do a simple task for under 150k.

    Then cones the issue of those who wish to hide their fund amount.

    If you are fine with showing your funds, then why not make a thread where people can show their funds from the /r in game?

    Would type more but on my cell..
    The_Mancub, 607, ShelLuser and 2 others like this.
  15. He tells everyone who asks as far as i know.

    Its a bad idea to share his balance without his consent but still, he diesnt seem to have a problem this that, ill delete that post so nobody else gets salty tho.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  16. Nope. That's total xp. You know what's the big difference for me? If I breed cows, smelt ores, slay mobs, et cetera, I get xp and my TEXP goes up. However, if I use an enchantment table or anvil, my xp goes down and my TEXP doesn't drop.
    So it shows your total amount of xp gained, and not the level of xp you've actually got.
    Pretend I've got 700k rupees. I'm at say, place... 130 in the rupees leaderboards. I wouldn't know really.
    A new promo gets released. I'd like to get the promo, but if I'd buy the promo, I'd lose my place in the rupees leaderboards.
    That's a short explanation of one of the reasons why I wouldn't like leaderboards for current stats, while I don't mind totals, like we've got for xp at the moment. I'd like a tokens leaderboard, for example. But only taking into account how much you've gained. Without detracting the amounts for Avalaunchers from it.
    ShelLuser, Jelle68 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  17. +1 ...as long as all rupee balances are anonymous.
    Nickblockmaster and Equinox_Boss like this.
  18. How about it showing your total revenue?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  19. Yeah. That I could see serving a good purpose. There's a big problem there, though: it's possible to exchange rupees. So you could easily cheat the system.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  20. I just thought of that issue too, a few seconds after I posted my idea, but I didn't bother to contradict myself :p
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.