[Suggestion] Add Leaderboard for Rupees and Tokens

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by RandomZh, Dec 14, 2016.

  1. How about instead of a leaderboard, the players can only see the place where they are at. Instead of seeing those above or below; they know they're the 404th most richest person on EMC by having a number next to their rupee balance. Then sharing would be at the players discretion.
  2. +1
  3. Brilliant, Cheers....+1 for this. Turnt around for this. <------ Or whatever the kids say these days.
  4. I like the idea of tokens because you can't trade or sell them with any players. It would encourage players to go out into the wild and kill bosses. :)
    Nickblockmaster, TomvanWijnen and 607 like this.
  5. Can't wait to get depressed over how poor I am... :D
    Nickblockmaster and 607 like this.
  6. You wont, as they wont ever be adding this for many facts stated in this thread :p
  7. I guess this is a gray issue huh? The top % don't want to be harassed, while others want a game of who can get the most e money. Staff shall decide, whenever they get to it.
  8. Haha yeah, I was partly joking; don't really care too much about r, though it is convenient to have so you can buy stuff if you need them in an emergency. :confused:
    607 likes this.
  9. I'm sure number one would be Aikar.
  10. Hm, that's an interesting statement... I wonder if Senior Staff actually have a rupee amount attached to their accounts. I mean, I don't think they'd need one...
  11. They still do have rupees :)
    607 likes this.
  12. we need a live map for the end waste and wild pls do it i get lost
  13. Ss+ account rupees get frozen so they can't give themselves rupees, they have the same amount as when they got promoted.

    Wrong section, and has been suggested before but declined as they want players to find their way. Also at one point the map was not supprted in the end.
    607 likes this.
  14. Does this mean that they cannot pay rupees to players aswell?
  15. Correct, the funds when the pay are more or less rupee corrections, same as the way it's for road edits.
    607 likes this.
  16. it looks like it's either for or against, no in between, but I really don't see why not. +1
  17. maybe a custom dimension or is it too hard
  18. How would you explain this?
  19. xD the people saying there is no point because peoples balances are always changing crack me up. That's the point! /baltop would show which balances changed and if they went up or down. If balances stayed the same forever then there would no point. Surprised to see a lot of -1s as well, a lot of other servers have it and it does no harm. It's fun to see who's at the top. +1 from me
    Sachrock likes this.
  20. I was flipping through old threads last night (not super old, more like a few months) and SS+ rupees aren't necessarily frozen. They get rupees from voting bonuses, log on bonuses, and that's pretty much it. Krysyy even stated she'd once in a blue moon buy written books from players because those are unique items they simply can't spawn in. So, SS+ accounts FUNCTION, I'm sure there are just other hidden parameters that keep them from participating actively in economy.
    Sachrock and 607 like this.