[Suggestion] Add Leaderboard for Rupees and Tokens

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by RandomZh, Dec 14, 2016.

  1. This angel is kinda in between on this particular subject. It would be interesting to see how much money is out there as samsimx said, but I do think it may cause some jealousy for those players who are struggling to make a living.

    I once had upwards of 800,000r at one time, but I invested a lot of it into supporter vouchers. :D When you think about it, I still have that 800,000r... it's just in the form of vouchers and my other belongings. I don't think the scoreboard would really help to see who's the wealthiest player on EMC, simply because rupee total alone doesn't define the value of that player. Value is a total across everything that player owns.
    The_Mancub, finch_rocks_1 and 607 like this.