Server Problems, Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by chickeneer, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Hey for the entity move thing. Is it possible to not have minecarts included? i noticed when the mine cart went in off the rail into water it would stop the moment before it went off..
  2. Could you send me a picture of what you mean by that? Like the setup. I don't understand.

    When I leave the area it gets stuck there and only when I am 6 blocks away it reactivates
  4. I was just wondering if the issue has been fixed?
  5. I am not able to recreate it. If you want me to look at your creation. Feel free to shoot me a message.
    607, Joy_the_Miner and UltiPig like this.
  6. Yesterday I notice that the boss bar wasn't showing. Some how, I lost 8 Super Turkeys and 2 Blizards that I had in closed using protected blocks of glass. Well 1 Turkey was in a fenced in area. But all have despawned. Why!:(
    The turkeys I've had for 3 years and Blizard were from this year.
    607, Raaynn and Nickblockmaster like this.
  7. Sorry for not announcing earlier. We had an issue with certain custom mobs filling entire entity caps (hundreds in an area) and had to enact a despawn timer on the custom mobs in general. Event mobs despawn after 2 months now.

    Although, I am sure your mobs were not causing the lag issues from the above issue. Their despawning was an unintentional consequence of that fix. Unintentional, yet the change was still needed.
    607, AyanamiKun, luckycordel and 3 others like this.
  8. Yes, I had captured several Blizz's & Turkeys as well for outpost mascots. Ah well, I guess we will just have to slaughter them all going forward.
    607, luckycordel and Nickblockmaster like this.
  9. Ah buggers! Well at least we know what happened to all our party members. We were planning to clear a crowd of them soon... not soon enough.:( It's probably for the best.

    Does this mean all enraged that have been around for months at a time are totally wiped clean or just in areas where the entity limit was exceeded? Thank you for the update! :)
    607 and luckycordel like this.
  10. Everywhere.
    Nickblockmaster and luckycordel like this.
  11. This sounds very dramatic. :p Although I can imagine it might be, for some people... :( I hope the change in general helps!
    TheFryedmans likes this.
  12. Any possibility to exempt chickens from the activation range so that they can still lay eggs without being within range?
  13. Teleporting (teleport signs, [resnr]@location, /gtp) works really badly now... teleporting with teleport signs already put you down a block below the location it teleports you to, and puts you on the nearest lower ground, both since 1.15. It seems that now everything goes even slower and it looks like it's putting you two blocks lower or something like that?
  14. And you go through the floor when you tp sign or /v a place then it tps you to the place you want to go
    607, Stnywitness and TomvanWijnen like this.
  15. Strange.
    Fixed one problem guess it caused others. Will look at as soon as I can...
  16. I have noticed the tp issue as well. It is nearly everytime I tp, escpecially when the tp spawn is a building in the air (when u tp on a 1 block high platform in the sky). It seems to glitch you down, you fall quite a ways, but then you get teleported back to your tp destination. Really strange.

    This has happened to me ever since the new update on here. I didn't think it to be a big deal, I thought it was a problem on my end. But since other people are having problems with it too...
    607 and Merek_Shadower like this.
  17. I am not sure if that is a bug we can fix. That sounds like you are just loading the tp destination slowly, and you start falling while the world finishes loading.
    607 and Stnywitness like this.
  18. It is not only that. I have a teleport that has been the same for years and has always worked, but it now always pushes you backwards. This is presumably because all teleports are sent a block lower, and going backwards is space.

    If you set a teleport sign, it will sometimes just say that the destination is obstructed - actually I think that this is because there is a carpet on the floor there? The solution is to set the teleport one block higher.

    In summary, teleport signs and residence locations are sent one block lower. The sign shows the correct y coordinate, but it sends you to one lower.

    Loading times have also gone up massively. I used to teleport to my residence and my main residence location pretty much instantly, but now it can take a full second. My internet and ping are fine (probably even better than before).
    607 and Stnywitness like this.
  19. okay. So that puts you in the same boat as the other reports. I will try and look into this evening.
    Stnywitness and TomvanWijnen like this.
  20. I had two teleports that seemed off last week, and dropped me a floor lower. I simply reset them and now they work fine.
    crystaldragon13 likes this.