Server Problems, Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by chickeneer, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Well, I will try that also. But, I have an update: I have been logging in regularly to Utopia and over the last 3 days this connect issue has plagued me at random intervals. I decided to Direct Connect to smp6 and was able to connect. On subsequent attempts the problem persists. But, after changing the address back to Utopia, I attempt to Direct Connect and it fails. I then change to smp6 again and Direct Connect takes me there. I have tried this on 3 of my 4 alts over the last 10 minutes or so - it works consistently when you change address to an smp other than Utopia. No idea what the underlying connection issue might be, but at least I can connect now. ;)
  2. This issue still exists? I remember getting this a lot back in the day with EMC. I'm not sure why but when I got it, I got it really bad... I'm really glad others are coming forward that they have this issue as well.

    I would like some insight, at well, why this is happening... :\
    _Susu_ and FadedMartian like this.
  3. Considering my results with 4 different accounts, it's not isolated to the IP, launcher instance, computer, Java edition, etc... could it be based on the account itself?

    After testing on MineChat, it's not based off of account either, I'm able to connect to on my 4th account just fine, so it seems like an arbitrary reason it's blocking some but not others...

    EDIT: My main account is now getting the error, but not my 3rd account, reaffirming even more that it's arbitrarily blocking some but not others...
    _Susu_ likes this.
  4. sorry about that. seems a proxy crashed yet the task that automatically restarts it was set to the wrong ID

    so basically you were at the luck of which one your system selected at random to connect to, and if it chose the downed one, you got the error.

    We had a hiccup friday and I didn't notice that out of the "everythings back ok" alerts, one was missing.
    Stnywitness, _Susu_, 607 and 14 others like this.
  5. Getting an unusually high ping & more lag than usual currently. Confirmed by a few others on smp1.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  6. Happening over on smp7 as well. Rubberbanding hard and got disconnected twice now
    FadedMartian and wafflecoffee like this.
  7. Thanks Aikar for the update. I just finished logging into 5 accounts with no issues. Smooth as glass now . . . have a great EMC day everyone!

    The Sus :cool:
    607 and MoreMoople like this.
  8. _Susu_ and wafflecoffee like this.
  9. Issues tend to happen from time to time with minecraft voting sites. Unfortunately those issues are outside of our control so all we can really do is wait for them to be resolved on the site's end.

    I've seen it take some time to get their act together again on occasion. If it turns out the site ends up dead and stays dead we can look at potential removal. Hopefully though it'll recover soon and can be used again.
    _Susu_ and 607 like this.
  10. Looks like it finally came back up.
  11. Heyo

    So in an attempt to reduce lag I turned all of my hopper streams in water streams for my storage. The issue is though is that when you do the water sign technique the items get stuck in the air block between! This has never happened and I was wondering what caused this issue? This only became an issue after the entity update.
    607 and luckycordel like this.
  12. I noticed a similar issue with my water stream- which I ended up replacing with hoppers (only a line of like 40 hoppers thats it xP). Instead of an air block like you have, I had a top-half-slab with air gap below so items could pass through- items would get stuck under the slab. Same concept though :p.
    607 and luckycordel like this.
  13. Try ice (blue ice is better) in the floor where the air block is.
  14. Tried that didn't work the item comes to a complete stop
    luckycordel likes this.
  15. It's a known issue. I accidently reverted the fix in the deploy the other day.
    it's fixed in upstream and will be back once I get another server jar build updated.

    So just bear with it for a bit. Hopefully tonight.
    607, AmusedStew and luckycordel like this.
  16. somemore testing conducts that it works normaly?

    idk if it has been fixed at this time
  17. :D
  18. Hey for the entity move thing. Is it possible to not have minecarts included? i noticed when the mine cart went in off the rail into water it would stop the moment before it went off..
  19. Could you send me a picture of what you mean by that? Like the setup. I don't understand.