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Oct 21, 2024 at 8:06 PM
Mar 15, 2012
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US Navy Retired

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, Male, from Colorado

DragonRest Empire has been created. Like the new feature. :) Dec 9, 2023

Dreacon78 was last seen:
Oct 21, 2024 at 8:06 PM
    1. Dreacon78
      DragonRest Empire has been created. Like the new feature. :)
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
    2. Dreacon78
      Oh man, I just remembered that making netherite armor was changed with the new update...glad I made some sets before the change. Wonder how much I need to relearn again...lol
      1. We3_MPO, crystaldragon13 and Sefl like this.
      2. crystaldragon13
        welcome back Dreacon.. been wondering where you've been.
        Dec 9, 2023
      3. Dreacon78
        RL got a abit nuts, and way too many new games. lol
        Dec 9, 2023
    3. Dreacon78
      Well plan is to update mods and get my MC on my PC updated. Then it will be time to resume my tunnel work...lol. That or I can go dig a giant hole or gather some ice again...lol
    4. Dreacon78
      Man I get my new laptop and it dies after two months. Finally got it back, but work has been so insane that I haven't had time to get everything loaded on it and also transferred from the old one. Hopefully thing calm down soon.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Dreacon78
        I built a windows PC and got back my repaired windows laptop. Kinda treated myself after getting a good tax return and a bonus from work. Now just need to sit down and get MC back up and running.
        Sep 2, 2023
      3. crystaldragon13
        Sep 3, 2023
      4. Silken_thread
        Nice, I built a PC in 2020, the same as you treated myself, still like my laptop though, sadly the hinge mounts to the case are broken so needs replacing.
        Sep 3, 2023
    5. We3_MPO
      Try hard on that auction. . . .let's see who wins. Probably one of us. LOL
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Dreacon78
        wonder how long it would have gone on if Yixomua hadn't joined in??
        Apr 12, 2023
      3. We3_MPO
        Probably at least a few days. We were determined to go as cheap as possible until we were poised to be poor or one of us gave up, slowly but surely. lol. I enjoyed it while it lasted!
        Apr 13, 2023
      4. We3_MPO
        Apr 18, 2023
    6. Dreacon78
      Well RL and work has been "fun" lately. Was going to get MC updated this weekend, but the folks want me to visit them in NC so I might not get a chance to. Will have to wait and see. I do know that I am going to find me a nice spot for strip mining once I do get back online.
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
    7. Dreacon78
      Well in VA now. Man I hate moving. Going to take a break tonight and going to be getting back online this week. More diggy diggy hole time. :)
      1. We3_MPO, MoreMoople and triphora like this.
      2. MoreMoople
        Diggy diggy hole! :D
        Oct 18, 2021
    8. Dreacon78
      Well starting the moving process so I can get over to VA. In a hotel for the rest of this week as I drive from CO to VA so I may or may not be able to get onto Utopia to do some more digging. If I get good interwebs then I will definitely hop online.
      1. wafflecoffee and MoreMoople like this.
      2. MoreMoople
        I hope the move goes well. :)
        Oct 12, 2021
      3. Silken_thread
        All the best with your move
        Oct 14, 2021
    9. Dreacon78
      Trying to clear out an area and build a double blaze farm is annoying as all get out with all the constant spawning mobs....going to change focus to reducing where they can spawn around where I will be building the blaze farm...
    10. Dreacon78
      Man I forgot how much "fun" sorting out a ton of DC's worth of stuff can be.... ugh
      1. AnonReturns
        But sorting out things is the best fun :o
        May 24, 2021
      2. Dreacon78
        Maybe with an auto sorter...lol
        May 24, 2021
    11. Dreacon78
      Progryck did some amazing work on my new EMC avatar.
    12. MoreMoople
      Hehe, now you have 1k site likes. ;)
      1. Dreacon78 likes this.
      2. Dreacon78
        Thanks. Everyone adores me now.. lol
        May 14, 2021
    13. Dreacon78
      Ugh working on this list for my storage area is a pain... Need to play some EMC for a bit to let me decompress...
    14. Dreacon78
      Well nearly done with my ice Tunnel...Then it will be time to get to the Overworld and hope I pop up in a good spot. Also need to explore the nether around my portal (once it is up) and see what is around.....
      1. MoreMoople likes this.
      2. MoreMoople
        Woohoo! :D
        Jul 30, 2020
    15. Dreacon78
      Man gathering Blue Ice is soooo much fun. lol
      1. MoreMoople likes this.
    16. Dreacon78
      Man I need to redo all my mods since I last played...seems like a ton of the mods have changed...
      1. wafflecoffee and MoreMoople like this.
    17. Dreacon78
      Well I am out in Colorado now. Finally got my furniture delivered and now I am having the joys of unpacking. Always 'Love' this part. Once I get the office situated I will be able to get online to game again.
      1. dylan_frenette and MoreMoople like this.
      2. Olaf_C
        Which part are you in? I'm on the front range :D
        Mar 28, 2019
      3. MoreMoople
        Awesome :) Colorado is great, I used to live there. Still visit family up there at least once a year, haha.
        Mar 28, 2019
      4. Dreacon78
        I live near Denver. Not sure how far that is from the front range area. Weather is pretty nutty here though.
        Dec 18, 2019
    18. Dreacon78
      Well got a job offer out in Colorado that I have accepted. Going through the process of getting ready to move and getting ready for the job. Start the job in mid Feb. Been making it a bit hard to get on for any length of time. Hope to be back on again soon.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. SkeleTin007
        Good luck Dreacon gettinga job offer is something that you can never pass up ;)
        Jan 31, 2019
      3. Dreacon78
        Thanks everyone. Looking forward to the move and the new job. Just wondering what the social life will be like out there...lol
        Jan 31, 2019
      4. Be6Ja1min
        Feb 21, 2019
    19. Be6Ja1min
      Your awesome
      1. Dreacon78 likes this.
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    :eek: Oh My God!!!! Creeper run!!!!.... Oh wait I have a Bow. Sssssss BOOM.... Doh!!! Creeper came with friends...:mad::(



    US Navy Retired
    I am a builder and creator, and sometimes a bit of a smart mouth...(hard to say this without using the normal terminology). I also have a rather odd enjoyment when it comes to leveling a mountain and leaving a huge hole in the ground. I am willing to help anyone that asks me nicely so long as I am not otherwise engaged in things...Also I am a very big enforcer of chat rules and the other policies of EMC. Please don't give me a reason to enforce them. Follow the rules and everyone will have fun.