Comments on Profile Post by Dreacon78

  1. crystaldragon13
    Looking forward to seeing ya back in game Dreacon. Lots to catch up on here too
    Aug 22, 2023
  2. Dreacon78
    Oh I am looking forward to seeing all the new things that EMC has added.
    Aug 22, 2023
  3. Silken_thread
    Nice, I'm on the lookout now for a new LT, did you go Apple or Windows based?
    Sep 1, 2023
  4. Dreacon78
    I built a windows PC and got back my repaired windows laptop. Kinda treated myself after getting a good tax return and a bonus from work. Now just need to sit down and get MC back up and running.
    Sep 2, 2023
  5. crystaldragon13
    Sep 3, 2023
  6. Silken_thread
    Nice, I built a PC in 2020, the same as you treated myself, still like my laptop though, sadly the hinge mounts to the case are broken so needs replacing.
    Sep 3, 2023