Operation: Stone Slab Bridge

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Unoski, May 24, 2016.


Will you volunteer?

Yes 15 vote(s) 42.9%
Maybe 13 vote(s) 37.1%
No 7 vote(s) 20.0%
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  1. Omg I wasn't the only one that noticed this before! It bothers me SO much but hey, what ya gonna do about it..
    JesusPower2 likes this.
  2. If you have enraged spawns off ghasts are definitely the biggest obstacle when building a nether rail; if your in a precarious position over a lava lake they can blast you right into having an unpleasant lava bath.
    I'm not so sure about expensive though your comment caught my attention so decided to run the numbers to see how much it really costs to build a rail nether vs overworld.

    Assuming you buy all mats involved it's about 9r-15r per nether block moved or 576r-960r per 64 nether blocks moved. That sounds expensive but translated that 64 nether blocks equals 512 overworld blocks which would have cost about 2560r for a 2 block wide overworld road with rail (no side blocks and no up/down hill) over a similar distance (512 overworld blocks).
    The difference remains about the same if you change the floor (overworld and nether) and ceiling (just nether) to slabs &/or don't do a rail at all.
    Assuming you use no blocks it might be cheaper to dig a tunnel underground in the overworld but the savings must be compared to how much longer it will take to finish vs other methods and how much longer it will take to traverse the distance when it's done even with a rail.

    This is generally my policy too but unless it's something inside (all the pigzombie heads that people keep putting on the walls of the gold farm for instance:rolleyes:) or attached to one of my builds I prefer to mention it to a staff member first so it's noted in case the person tries to claim they were griefed later.
  3. [Removed by Staff]

    I believe I said this before. I will consult staff if we find something that could be an outpost and continue from there.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  4. You took my quote out of context, When I said it would be cheaper I was talking about not having a nether rail vs. having a nether rail.
    MissFable likes this.
  5. Ok guys, real time.

    For those of you saying "this passes within 3000 blocks of my outpost so I'm not going to let you build here!" can you just stop?Here are a few reasons why you should chill out:

    1. You do not own the 3000 blocks around your outpost, that is just the area where no other established outposts can be placed.
    2. Knowing sky, if the road was to head directly through your build he will gladly redirect it.
    3. If you honestly think this can all get done you are crazy, the shear amount of materials required has been pointed out time and time again. I don't necessarily see this as project that will 100% get done, instead I see this as a fun thing to do with friends.
    4. I understand your fear, there is a reason I don't give everyone in town build flag on my resses. But to believe that a road will suddenly make tons of griefers appear at your outpost is absurd.

    If anyone has any comments on this post or disagreements with me I would ask that you please PM me to keep this thread as on track as possible. I will not reply to anyone who posts on this thread quoting this post.

    Thanks, Mman
    StoneSky, Kytula, 607 and 1 other person like this.
  6. I have reported the significant alterations to staff as me being griefed. :) I have not, say, reported an errant door or cobble hut obviously used for overnight survival. I do, however, confer within NS to make sure it wasn't an NS member who built it. If it was we talk all friendly like on how to proceed.
  7. I can understand the things people are saying about this project. Let us look at the issues at hand:

    "I dont want it to be near my outpost"
    -I agree fully, even though sky has stated that he will divert course.. you have to notice that the bridge wont divert tthat much off course. Someone could easily look on livemap and see your base (sure maybe you built your base over an ocean then covered it with water to not be seen but many are not that fortunate). Players would still be able to see your base.

    "My base will be griefed if the bridge is nearby"
    No. I dont think griefing is an issue in this scenerio. I think the issue is that of if people find your base they will use it. Staff cannot ban people for using your super cool xp farm if they arent breaking anything but you have people at your base now... and possibly griefing will happen.
    Another point is the bridge not reaching anyone, I feel that the bridge wont make it past smp1 or smp2. It is supposed to be a fun little group activity. Many players are very determined in this game but if you give me the choice over working on TTMOF or a bridge I will choose TTMOF.

    I think the bridge is a cool idea, while many people have the ability to say no to it- the project will still go on.

    Hoping this pose makes sense, 11PM and I'm typing half asleep.
    607 and StoneSky like this.
  8. Isn't your area of control for your outpost really just 1,500 blocks? Seeing as how someone's build isn't supposed to be within 3k of your outpost that means that 3k block distance is a neutral zone... Meaning that no one builds/destroys anything in that area between the outposts. I for one like this idea, I'm just concerned with the repercussions.
  9. Commenting in full shortly, but going to post a recommendation for everyone involved to please step back and take a breath. The concerns are valid and they will be addressed, but it is unnecessary to escalate it into a battering of insults and rudeness on all sides.
    Kytula likes this.
  10. I also thought it was a 1500 block radius. But perhaps it's actually planned on being smaller and the 3K block radius is to act as a very large buffer. Again, the staff should be able to give clear answer on this. As those not developing it we can only speculate.

    I'm also very concerned with the repercussions of doing this before frontier base owners can prevent non-members from building, digging...etc.
  11. As promised, I will now address the issues at hand.

    First, ownership rights. Technically, no one owns land in the wild. Rather, players own rights to use the land when a claim request is granted. With wild base claims, they are asking for use permissions of the space between their claim chest and a 1,500 block radius from that chest. Once the 1,501 block is reached, use permission ends for this player.

    The reason why we ask for 3,000 blocks is to account for this use buffer for both present players as well as future players who may want to use the outpost. So if someone wants to build something 1,700 blocks out from the center of someone's base, they do not need the permission of that base owner to build. They do, however, need permission from any players who have bases established in the territory they are building in.

    This segways into my second point: Take down permissions. This is an area where there seems to be some confusion so I want to clarify a few things.

    If a build occurs inside your 1,500 block buffer space from another player that you don't want there, you must contact a staff member and request permission to remove the build from your territory. If permission is granted by staff to take down the build/builds in question, the blocks can then be removed by players who are members of the outpost in question.

    However, blocks cannot be confiscated as they do not belong to the outpost. The blocks must be placed in a chest or chests with an access sign for the player to pick up. Best efforts should be made to contact the player, whether on the forums or in game, to inform them of the location of the blocks and they be allowed to pick them up.

    If you do not know who actually owns the blocks, please contact a staff member for assistance. If the identity of the player is known and they are permanently banned, please contact Senior Staff to have the chests removed once completed.

    Violation of the takedown policy is considered to be griefing. If reported by the owner of the build, players who take the builds down without permission from staff are subject to action up to and including a permanent ban from the Empire Minecraft Server.

    The permission system is not meant to inconvenience players who have unwanted builds, but to simply protect the affected player from being banned for griefing because they don't want a build and to protect the offending player's rightful ownership to the blocks that were used to create the build.

    The tl;dr version

    a) Players own use rights up to 1,500 blocks from their base center - they cannot control anything that occurs outside of this area
    b) You must request permission from staff to take down unwanted builds. If unwanted builds are taken down without staff permission and is reported by the owner(s) of the build, it is considered griefing and subject to appropriate action.

    If anyone has any questions regarding anything said in this post, please don't hesitate to send me a PM. I'll be more than happy to address them there.

    EDIT: The thread will now be cleaned of rude remarks. As per our policy, I am issuing a warning here to keep the thread respectful, even within the disagreements. If it devolves into name calling and rudeness again, the thread will likely be subject to a lock.
    jkjkjk182, 607, MissFable and 4 others like this.
  12. I keep my stance.
    • If a possible base is found, I will confront staff and continue from there
    • If you tell me ahead of time your coords, only I will know and I will be sure there is a 3,000 block buffer
      • 3000 blocks is more than fair
    You do not have to tell me the coords, but it would make your life easier.
    607 likes this.
  13. With a well hidden base and zone of control like NS has, this means you will not see it barring perhaps one area, and that area will be quite small and easy to miss. NS is not the only outpost like this. So my concern was more for others like NS, but on the servers you will be affecting. So this makes proactive avoidance difficult for you.

    What this also means is that, if everyone is playing by the rules, your first indication that you accidentally built over the zone of control for an organization like NS will be staff telling you there will be a box with your stuff in it. Just be prepared for that contingency. That's all I'm saying.

    Also, I never planned on keeping the staff out of the loop. I apologize for my lack of clarity on that point earlier.

    Also, please take me up on my offer to show you the landscape and other damage that happens near and to roads and bridges in the frontier. My hope is that in doing so, you will better understand my concerns and if possible, alter your plans to minimize that impact. I really only do stuff on SMP6. So those are the ones I'll show you if you take me up on this offer.
    MissFable likes this.
  14. My bad. I do not regret running the numbers though it will come in handy when calculating costs/value of my travel projects.
    Telling you the coords kinda goes against the concept of secret but if you make it as far as smp5 I will send you the coords of my private & public builds so you can avoid them. I think the only one I have in the line of fire with your road at the moment is the public gold farm but if the road could be outside of visual range I would appreciate it.
  15. This project has officially been discontinued. If you have donated stone slabs and want them back, please consult ShelLuser.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  16. Thread closed at the request of the initial poster.
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