Operation: Stone Slab Bridge

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Unoski, May 24, 2016.


Will you volunteer?

Yes 15 vote(s) 42.9%
Maybe 13 vote(s) 37.1%
No 7 vote(s) 20.0%
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  1. I agree, but then again what if this runs across someone's outpost who doesn't really use the forums? Or perhaps that person doesn't want a road near their place. This is across several servers and things like this is being taken into account I just feel like a nether path would be less complicated.
    Perry_Stahlsis and M4ster_M1ner like this.
  2. So this means you won't world edit the slabs in?
    TromboneSteve and Wither_Addict like this.
  3. I'm okay with that.

    I would just rather know so I can dodge it rather than us discovering it ourselves and/or us building too close to it.

    Diagonal paths will no longer be happening. :)
    Perry_Stahlsis likes this.
  4. No one counts utopia because only gold & diamond supporters can access the frontier there so for most players it might as well not exist.
    Agreed and that also brings up these problems: This is probably going to encroach on people outpost territories (official and otherwise). Is this project going to ask permission? Are those encroached upon (accidentally; their is a lot of hidden outposts out there) going be able to go to staff and get it removed?
    Another downside on the outpost front is bridge going create a corridor of unclaimable space between the emc outposts and will inevitably take up some prime realestate.
    Both of these have work arounds but it's something to keep in mind.
    That being said on personal level I'm not to worried, not because I don't think this could cause problems but because on the most basic level this project seems like it's for people to have fun and build something of epic size and scope. Also it's unlikely that it will get far enough in my emc lifetime to effect my work and fav frontier spots on smp 5, 6, and 8.

    Definitely prettier and safer (unless your using a covered nether rail).
    Perry_Stahlsis and M4ster_M1ner like this.
  5. Nether rails will always be the most efficient way to get to outposts in the frontier.
  6. Also ghasts are in the nether, so probably not a great idea.
    TromboneSteve likes this.
  7. Also very expensive, I like the idea of just the bridge because that way people with outposts farther out will still have a lot of protection for their builds.
    607 likes this.
  8. Nether rails have already proved very successful. The ratio of distance in the nether to overworld is 1:8 and so is therefore much more efficient to build rails here (8 times less distance to cover!). Also, as long as the nether rails are enclosed in tunnels ghasts are not a problem.
  9. Most people looking for an efficient way to their outpost wouldn't be using this. It would be more for people trying to get far out easily to find a place for an outpost. Also I think this is more for the "we placed 6 billion stone slabs" than it being an efficient way to an outpost :p
    607 and Mman like this.
  10. Well, if you'd rather run for hours back and forth between an outpost and spawn in the overworld than use a nether rail that's up to you :p
  11. I don't really think the point of this is to be the most efficient mode of transport, I think this is more of just a fun project that we can all do together.
    607, TromboneSteve and StoneSky like this.
  12. Basically. I haven't seen a lifelong project for the Empire in a while.
    607 and Kytula like this.

  13. I can only assume it was you. You made this a bit more aggravating.

    The outposts are not perfectly across from each other. ;-;

    The map is not slanted. They are just not aligned. A little annoyance (hopefully it doesn't annoy the perfectionists too much) but just a minor annoyance.
    607 likes this.
  14. Oh yeah, i forgot about that...terrain issues

    EDIT: Wait, that's the current ones. Was NOT me....but likely the same reason.
  15. Are we really gonna walk the whole way?

    *packs Stacks of pumpkin pie*
    StoneSky likes this.
  16. i assume you mean that after you got permission from whoevers place it is
    Perry_Stahlsis likes this.
  17. Yes, it is inferred from confront staff.

    I must see if the build is still active or claimed and we will act as such with the owner's permission. You're acting as if I am doing this mindless.
    607 and Kytula like this.
  18. I am in love with Netherbrick blocks, stone brick, lava, water, dark oak, colored glass and jackolanterns/glowstone. I don't combine ALL of them in one build... usually. Vines are convenient for when I know I"ll eventually want to climb down something.

    I also like "natural" landscapes as evidenced by my SMP6 res. :)

    Roads do seem to attract griefers.

    Very true. The only way this can be mitigated is if there are volunteer road and landscape maintainers. On SMP6 I built a road and had it lead out to a village. The landscape around it keeps getting rougher and rougher. I wish I had volunteers to help with maintaining the landscape.

    ... until the ability to teleport to your outpost is added, that is. :) (Is that still planned?)

    Yep. Agreed. within my outposts zone of control, I and my outpost members actively REMOVE unapproved builds. I will do this, unannounced, to even this project. Not In My Back Yard sums up my feelings on this project.
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