Empire Newsletter: September 2023

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by MoreMoople, Sep 8, 2023.

  1. Hellloooooo, September! I hope you all are having a fantastic month! Here's a quick update from the wonderful world of EMC. :D

    Community Team Updates
    Do you want to join a Community Team? Click here to learn more!

    Staff Team Updates
    • If you haven't done so, make sure to claim your free labor workbench with the command /promo laborday23! They are also available for purchase in /shopworld.
    Developer Updates
    • chickeneer recently released a new update that allows anybody with their EMC account linked to their Discord account to chat from in-game to Discord via a new Discord chat channel! Check out the thread announcing the update here!
    Remember to report any bugs to pmdev.emc.gs!

    Shoot for the Stars: Elytra Course Building Contest
    Build an epic elytra course and race through the skies! Work by yourself or with a small team, and create a cool course for the community to enjoy! Check out the guidelines on the contest thread.

    A Day in the Life of EMC Staff - Creative Writing Contest
    Thank you to everyone who submitted a book for the Creative Writing Contest! Reading them has been a lot of fun so far. Keep an eye out for an announcement with the winners soon! Check out the thread here.

    Event Schedule
    Week One:
    • Saturday, September 9th (10:00 PM EMC time): Build a Base!
    • Sunday, September 10th (3:30 PM EMC time): FireFloor!
    Week Two:
    • Unfortunately, due to irl circumstances, Moople will be unable to host this weekend.
    Week Three:
    • Friday, September 22nd (10:00 PM EMC time): PvP (Murder that Moople!)
    • Sunday, September 24th (3:30 PM EMC time): Miner Mania (New Beginnings Edition)
    Week Four:
    • Saturday, September 30th (10:00 PM EMC time): Funland Festival (Simon Says and Spleef)
    • Sunday, October 1st (3:30 PM EMC time): Build a Base!

    Wishing you all a wonderful September! As always, thanks for reading the newsletter! See you around. ;)

    What is a tree's least favorite month?

    Sep-tiiiiimber! ;)

    How do scientists freshen their breath?

    With experi-mints! :D

    What kind of haircuts do bees get?

    Buzzzzzcuts! :rofl: :lmao:
  2. Oo, i'm looking forward to the Funland Festival. and maybe PvP :eek:
  3. aww yeah 2 build a base events again :D
    UltiPig and MoreMoople like this.
  4. 10PM events 🙏
    UltiPig, MoreMoople and FadedMartian like this.
  5. I like the drawing! Ty for the newsletter
    UltiPig, AnonReturns and MoreMoople like this.
  6. I don't remember giving permission for my name to be use in this way, that being said I shall wait for the Royalties to come pooring in.

    Or at least the Pants ;)

    On the other hand, I am flattered that you thought my tired oul pants were worthy of such an honer.
  7. Hey all! I have a dance rehearsal tonight, so Funland Fiesta is rescheduled for tomorrow at 10:00 PM EMC time. See you there!