Last activity:
Jan 13, 2025 at 10:50 PM
Dec 20, 2015
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Massachusetts, USA
Cut flower/Produce farmer

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, Male, from Massachusetts, USA

farmerguyson was last seen:
Jan 13, 2025 at 10:50 PM
    1. farmerguyson
      I find it interesting how sometimes something that is in absolutely plain view can be not seen. The most recent example of this is the count down timer. On the desktop is appears as a series of 2 digit numbers...
      1. Acemox2k, crystaldragon13 and We3_MPO like this.
      2. farmerguyson
        On my phone it is displayed as 2 rows of numbers, stacked vertically. I couldn't see it as one counter that uses vertically formatted numbers. I posted about it then showed my son. He instantly looked at me like I was a goof. Once he explained it I couldn't see it the other way. Moral of this story...A brain is a powerful thing, if you know how to use it.
        Jun 14, 2023
      3. crystaldragon13
        I too have noticed it and do love it. =] There's a plan and it's been 'inked' in. =D
        Jun 14, 2023
    2. farmerguyson
      I just noticed the Minecraft taskbar icon on my desktop changed to a creeper head. It's better than the grass block.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Nickblockmaster
        I wanted a compromise; the ability to change it to whatever texture we prefer most.
        Jun 7, 2023
      3. crystaldragon13
        hmmm.. I like that Nick. =D
        Jun 8, 2023
      4. We3_MPO
        I agree with crystaldragon13. The change will take some getting used to for me!
        Jun 8, 2023
    3. crystaldragon13
      =o I love your profile pic and I wish I had some lil chicken girls. =] I sure do miss mine.
      1. Acemox2k and JesusPower2 like this.
    4. farmerguyson
      Just noticed I made it past 8 years of being on EMC, May 10th, 2015 was when I first joined.
      1. We3_MPO
        Belated congratulations! For some reason, I'd imagined you were actually around longer than me. I guess being gone for four years wrecked my perception of time on EMC!
        May 28, 2023
      2. crystaldragon13
        Congratz sir! =D
        May 30, 2023
    5. farmerguyson
      After eggifying stacks of frogs in the end for 50r each I finally figured out I could change the biome type of my res to get the same typeof frog. πŸ€”
      1. Acemox2k, We3_MPO and Nickblockmaster like this.
      2. We3_MPO
        It's actually necessary for cold frogs. You also have to farm those indoors, underground or near light, though. I've set up farms for all three types!
        May 20, 2023
    6. farmerguyson
      It looks like smp3 waste map has the least unexplored areas on it. Smp5 is very close but still has a few slightly large chunks covered. This is the first time I've seen a map so uncovered. I'm looking forward to the next reset.
      1. Acemox2k and UltiPig like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. farmerguyson
        Well, the smp6 shows large unexplored areas to the SE and SW corners. If you are pretty much the only one exploring then I'd say you did a great job but I see the potential of there being a few sunken ships that could be raided.
        May 13, 2023
      4. We3_MPO
        Yeah. I looked at all the maps except utopia, and only SMP5 and 3 seem to have less unexplored area. Still, I did explore the badlands near the southwest to be fully sure of no mountains, pursue an eye of ender way west-southwest from the center (sending me kilometers past the w/sw spawns) and explore the stony peaks far southeast for calcite.
        May 14, 2023
      5. We3_MPO
        I'm not truly the only one, though. I just got some areas if I'm interested and built mining infrastructure that probably spurred further progress.
        May 14, 2023
    7. farmerguyson
      Started restocking my shop, for all you that have bought from me, thank you. πŸ™‚
    8. farmerguyson
      Our farm is now at full production. If anyone needs bulk quantities of frog lights at current shop prices visit my shop farmerguyson-2. I forgot the res number. πŸ™‚ There is a glowing sign right when you walk in letting you know how to find them.
      1. Acemox2k, We3_MPO and UltiPig like this.
      2. farmerguyson
        If you need huge quantities I can change over all the frogs to one kind for a fee of 9600 plus how ever much the market rate is for frog lights you ordered.
        Apr 19, 2023
    9. farmerguyson
      Anyone ever wonder why a rabbit decided to hide eggs? Did it start out as a prank on their neighbor's, the chickens, or on the farmer that had to search for them to gather and bring to market? Lucky for the rabbit it turned out to be fun for all.
      1. Sefl likes this.
    10. farmerguyson
      Is there a way to color code the different chat channels? I was switching between /cc and /group chat and /tell and of course got mixed up. I like how /tell text is a different color already.
      1. chickeneer
        Actually. A rewrite of the chat system in the Empires branch has finally made this more possibly. I haven't programmed it in yet, but should be coming soon. :)
        Apr 7, 2023
      2. farmerguyson
        Oh, nice. The Empires update you are working on sounds better every day. Thank you!
        Apr 7, 2023
    11. farmerguyson
      Does anyone else have lady bugs in their house wandering around looking for a way out? I don't mind them over Wintering in the house but when I find one floating in the pot after boiling pasta for dinner, I kind of have mixed feelings.
      1. crystaldragon13 likes this.
      2. crystaldragon13
        Awww.. poor lady bug. =( You can actually made over wintering habitat for them so they will be more likely to go there or if you see them in the house you can relocate them there so they'll be ready for spring. =D
        Apr 6, 2023
    12. farmerguyson
      In case any of you were wondering when the bulk sand area of my shop will be restocked, it will be soon. The build I'm helping with is nearing a good spot to stand back and take a breather from. I'm addicted to working with others. πŸ™‚
      1. Nickblockmaster likes this.
    13. farmerguyson
      It's been a while since I've seen so few auctions running. Is everyone on vacation?
      1. ElfinPineapple
        It's spring break season, so that may be it.
        Mar 29, 2023
    14. farmerguyson
      I heard a song the other day that made me think of how it's lyrics have changed for me over time. Sammy Hagar's, I can't drive 55. A younger me thought, oh course, that's crazy it's way too slow. Today, I hesitate to say, it's a little too fast.
      1. Nickblockmaster
        Don’t get me wrong, I have tasted the thrill of speed, but not to the point that it endangers people on the road, anymore than it already would. A lot of times though, especially when I go riding my motorcycle, I find cruising around 45 or 50 is more enjoyable!! Love that song too!
        Mar 28, 2023
    15. farmerguyson
      Isn't it great when your deep in the unfamiliar frontier and your almost through the portal back to safety when you suddenly spot a swelling creeper standing right in front of you?
      1. Nickblockmaster and We3_MPO like this.
      2. We3_MPO
        No, it isn't!
        Mar 23, 2023
      3. Nickblockmaster
        So much fun! What a blast!
        Mar 25, 2023
    16. farmerguyson
      Still having fun building a farm with BlockHead_56. Others are joining in too mining the area out. Thank you!
    17. farmerguyson
      Ha, first substantial snow fall and it's almost Spring. Lovely!
      1. Nickblockmaster and We3_MPO like this.
      2. We3_MPO
        Or already spring, depending on the definition.
        Mar 15, 2023
    18. farmerguyson
      Happy Pi Day! Do a little math to keep your brain going.
      1. Nickblockmaster
        Dividing apple pie helps my brain work better! πŸ˜‹πŸ˜œ
        Mar 14, 2023
      2. farmerguyson
        Hmmm an apple pie sounds great!
        Mar 14, 2023
    19. farmerguyson
      Considering there is no mention of Elfin losing their head last night I might have to assume no one got it.
      1. FadedMartian
        it was impromptu.. and no Sefl won it :)
        Mar 10, 2023
      2. Sefl
        I managed to get it. Then Yix won the bounty.
        Mar 10, 2023
      3. farmerguyson
        Awesome. Congratulations Sefl! I was half way reading chat as I was exploring the nether so I didn't see the results. πŸ™‚
        Mar 10, 2023
    20. farmerguyson
      There always seems to be a lot of talk of the economy on this server. I like seeing players buy from my shop but it is really only a small percentage of why I enjoy this server. It's the community and events like the Big Digs or Build a Base that makes this server for me.
      1. farmerguyson
        I recently started a build with BlockHead_56. I'm having a ton of fun building and chatting. There is much more enjoyment in building with others that far outweighs the need for rupees. My thought for the day.
        Mar 9, 2023
      2. Nickblockmaster
        I agree with this sentiment! Don’t get me wrong, I liked it when we still had a great economy, but the community fuzzies from being in a great group is far more prized.
        Mar 14, 2023
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  • About

    Massachusetts, USA
    Cut flower/Produce farmer
    I'm a farmer in real life.

    I took the picture below in 2020. People enjoy sunflowers so I grow as many as possible each year.

    That's the upper part of my field and my house in the background.