Last activity:
Jul 26, 2024 at 9:55 PM
Dec 20, 2015
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Massachusetts, USA
Cut flower/Produce farmer

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Minecraft Blog
Empire Minecraft YouTube


Dedicated Member, Male, from Massachusetts, USA

Argh, the heat got to me yesterday. I believe that was the second time in about 4 years I didn't hop onto EMC instead I conked out in front of a fan for the night. Jul 15, 2024

farmerguyson was last seen:
Viewing MyEmpire, Jul 26, 2024 at 9:55 PM
    1. farmerguyson
      We went into Boston yesterday. We have been living like Hermits for the past 3 years so it was a refreshing sight to see so many people out and about. We even dined in for lunch for the first time. The weather was awesome!
      1. Tuqueque, 607 and MoreMoople like this.
      2. 607
        Great to hear!
        Jan 29, 2023
    2. farmerguyson
      A farmer can judge the state of the public simply by placing seed orders. Each of the seed companies I deal with stated short supply and longer ship times due to unprecedented order volume. It's a good thing for everyone to plant a garden. Not just for a little food but for...
      1. farmerguyson
        leveling your mental state. If all else looks rough turn to the garden, smell the greenery, possibly taste a little of what you've grown. Reeelaaaax.
        Jan 28, 2023
    3. farmerguyson
      I can't believe how many junk yt videos there are out there. 10 worst dam failures is a perfect example of a video that turns into 15 minutes of lost time and me yelling at the screen wishing the producer could hear me. And what's up with the fake voices? Drama at it's worst.
      1. JesusPower2 and Nickblockmaster like this.
      2. Nickblockmaster
        Don’t you know it! Isn’t that something.
        Jan 27, 2023
      3. DrasLeona247
        My good farmer, you have fallen into the youtube rabbit hole...they're designed to be a waste of time. You have to find 2-3 good channels and stick to them, endlessly surfing clickbait videos just generates them free ad money :P
        Jan 27, 2023
    4. farmerguyson
      So, today an asteroid will zip past Earth closer than most other discovered asteroids. Made me wonder if Minecraft will ever add space objects to the game that would provide ultra rare ores when they crash into the Wastelands?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Tuqueque
        Some of the space exploration mods are really cool :100: recommend if you ever decide to try out a modpack
        Jan 27, 2023
      3. Nickblockmaster
        This would be pretty awesome! I wish there were more plans on Minecraft expansion and more elements to the worlds both above and below. They still seem so empty.
        Jan 27, 2023
      4. We3_MPO
        Perhaps make it so that they could spawn on the bottoms of the islands, but not at the actual lowest elevation any end islands can be. That way, you can bridge from an even lower place to get it safely, but it may not be easy or straightforward.
        Jan 27, 2023
    5. farmerguyson
      It's snowing! Oops.
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
      2. 607
        Jan 25, 2023
    6. farmerguyson
      I hope we get the ability to teleport to/from our Frontier outposts at some point because I would make use of that area. My son and I claimed it some 5 years ago and he I've only been out there maybe 3 times. It's a long trip and I usually forget to bring stuff.
    7. farmerguyson
      What an odd Winter we are having here in Massachusetts. So far no snow storms requiring shoveling and we are expected to get rain going into the weekend!? And, next week highs will be in the mid 40's. A farmer I know started tapping their Maple trees.
    8. farmerguyson
      What's up with the same status ad from multiple players?
      1. Sefl likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. ElfinPineapple
        Staff are aware of it and are addressing them as seen, but unfortunately we don't have many options to prevent it before they post. So if they continue, don't click links and file a report using the report button.
        Jan 11, 2023
      4. chickeneer
        To be clear. We are investigating the issue deeper. Not strictly reacting.
        Still good to not click on suspicious links. Not everyone on the internet can be trusted :)
        Jan 11, 2023
      5. fadedmartian
        i reported them... appeared to be compromised accounts ran by bots lol
        Jan 13, 2023
    9. farmerguyson
      I just got the latest Lego catalog, has anyone seen The Deep Dark Battle set? It might be the only way I could defeat the Warden. Ages 8+, I certainly hope so. 🤔
      1. farmerguyson
        Oh and before anyone thinks about asking, we are never too old to play with legos.
        Jan 10, 2023
      2. Nickblockmaster
        Are you kidding? Legos are still the bomb!
        Jan 11, 2023
    10. farmerguyson
      Why does it seem 90% of enraged creepers go into low risk, reduced item drop mode?
      1. Nickblockmaster, Sefl and We3_MPO like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. ThaKloned
        You can stand directly in front of things on flat ground with nothing in the way and it still triggers.
        Jan 9, 2023
      4. Nickblockmaster
        Use to, you could play your own way and still be rewarded! I know what it was supposed to prevent but honestly, it ruined it.
        Jan 27, 2023
      5. ThaKloned
        Completely agree.
        Jan 29, 2023
    11. farmerguyson
      Space: 1999, a great show I watched long ago. Thought of it because I'm at vote bonus 1999! :)
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
    12. farmerguyson
      Happy New Year everyone!!
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
    13. farmerguyson
      We are now in the quiet time between holidays. Where everyone is busy with the new presents and waiting for the new year. I'm still sluggish from the whirlwind of activity of preparing dishes for the Christmas meal.
    14. farmerguyson
      Merry Christmas everyone!
      1. Nickblockmaster and We3_MPO like this.
    15. farmerguyson
      The high winds took out the internet. I was in looking for hidden chests at the time.
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
    16. farmerguyson
      Wow, I'm not only a Wizard, I'm a Journalist!
      1. We3_MPO and MoreMoople like this.
      2. MoreMoople
        Awesome! :D
        Dec 23, 2022
    17. farmerguyson
      What an interesting day weatherwise. It's high 50's now and will drop like a rock to single digits tonight.
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
    18. farmerguyson
      I hope everyone stays warm and safe as the storms cross the US.
      1. We3_MPO, Nickblockmaster and Sefl like this.
    19. farmerguyson
      I'm now an Empire Wizard!
      1. AnonReturns
        Yer a wizard, farmerguyson :P
        Dec 21, 2022
      2. We3_MPO
        Dec 21, 2022
    20. farmerguyson
      Current irl project is to add new lighting and paint the dining room. My wife wanted to add a ceiling light so I made a hole and discovered the original plaster and lathe ceiling 3" under the sheetrock ceiling. Ripped the sheetrock down, added the wiring and skim coated.
      1. MoreMoople likes this.
      2. farmerguyson
        The first attempt at plastering the ceiling was an absolute disaster. My tool ended up being wicked stuck in the plaster bucket. I felt like King Arthur wrestling the tool out of a solid block of plaster. 🙂
        Dec 7, 2022
      3. farmerguyson
        The second attempt after calming down worked since I worked on smaller sections but I still ended up wearing a lot of the plaster. Third attempt went well. I now have a lot of respect for the professional. They make it look easy but it is tough work.
        Dec 7, 2022
      4. farmerguyson
        I am now on to coating the walls. We want to have the family over for Christmas so the pressure is ramping up.
        Dec 7, 2022
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  • About

    Massachusetts, USA
    Cut flower/Produce farmer
    I'm a farmer in real life.

    I took the picture below in 2020. People enjoy sunflowers so I grow as many as possible each year.

    That's the upper part of my field and my house in the background.