Comments on Profile Post by farmerguyson

  1. We3_MPO
    Wow! Is it beside a south-facing wall or not?
    Feb 14, 2023
  2. farmerguyson
    No, I wish it was attached to the house but it is a stand alone greenhouse.
    Feb 14, 2023
  3. We3_MPO
    I bet one right by my wall would probably get even hotter if set up, then! Especially with Tennessee being a warmer place in all seasons than Massachusetts, and having more daylight in late autumn, winter and early spring.
    Feb 14, 2023
  4. farmerguyson
    It would be a great way to warm the house on those cooler days. The heat also warms the soil so you get the spring scent. I really enjoy that.
    Feb 14, 2023