Server Problems, Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by chickeneer, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Chicken was actually discussing this with a few of us just the other day. I'm almost certain this is an intentional change.
    Nickblockmaster, 607 and zafir247 like this.
  2. Really? That's interesting. But seems a bit dangerous.

    Also kind of dilutes the role of the plot owner, since you can essentially do anything the owner can except for doing the res reset command

  3. Then just don't set others as Admin.
    People you set as admin could basically give others admin privileges anyway, it just took longer and was more of a pain.

    If this is intentional I'm all for it!, but I also don't give admin to anyone that I don't trust to give/take perms from others...
    Nickblockmaster, 607 and wafflecoffee like this.
  4. Did group XP share change? Using XP bottles to repair items seems to use half of the new XP for tools and the other half for the XP bar.
  5. I think the admin flag is often used to be able to handle alts' residences. Maybe intuitively the admin flag should grant every permission that the owner has from the start.
    Anyway, this seems like something that might be worth discussing in a dedicated thread, whether the change was intentional or not.
    Nickblockmaster and Egeau like this.
  6. That sounds normal to me. Nothing changed.
  7. Smp7 seems to be down.
    Less than 2 hours ago I was kicked and it has not come back up yet. I assumed it was the restart, but no.
    Other players report not being able to travel there either.
  8. It appears to be back up at this time.
    UltiPig and FadedMartian like this.
  9. anyone having issues with the loading speed of the forums? it seems like all of my websites load faster on all my devices when compared to the forums :/
  10. thats normal
    especially the wiki
    FadedMartian likes this.
  11. I don't, and I use EMC (and other websites) a lot!
  12. Vanilla XP repair priority changed in 1.16. Now items that are damaged receive XP first and it only goes to the XP bar once everything you're wearing or holding is repaired. It might be nice, if possible, to change group XP share to reflect this behavior.
    KatydidBuild, UltiPig and Fred_TWK like this.
  13. Lately I've been experiencing a lot of latency on the forums (long loading times, failure to load etc) and now it's also happening when connecting to the server.

    Are there any connection problems at the server farm currently?
    KatydidBuild and FadedMartian like this.
  14. EMC does not recognize votes currently.
    The page where I voted says: "Vote saved. But could not connect to Votifier on the server."

    Hmm another issue I have since a few weeks: The server command /smp1 ... /smp9 /utopia they all did not work for me, telling me I can only be connected to one server at a time. But disconnecting and connecting to switch servers works.

    And also currently smp9 seems to be offline.
    Fred_TWK likes this.
  15. I just had the same problem . . . vote not registered on all 4 of my accounts.
  16. It's going to be down a while
  17. SMP9 is back up and voting should work again. :)
  18. Which means I lost 10 days of voting since the vote was logged at the sites but not registered against my accounts. When this has happened in the past, it takes 10 days of voting before vote count resumes incrementing.
  19. It can help to vote on different sites on mobile data (so if you normally vote with account A on site 1 and with B on site 2, try voting on mobile data for account A on site 2, and for B on site 1), as it then doesn't recognise your IP to say you've already voted. :)
    UltiPig likes this.
  20. Thanks Tom - that is the clearest explanation of how to get around the IP recognition issue I have seen yet. Thanks again. :cool: