The Random/Not-so-random Post Thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by 607, Oct 19, 2014.


Which of these things do you know?

The cake is a lie. 120 vote(s) 80.5%
I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow in the knee. 88 vote(s) 59.1%
Darude - Sandstorm 88 vote(s) 59.1%
How has this video 301 views, if there are only 7 people on the earth? :o (Or something alike) 79 vote(s) 53.0%
#ShadyShannon 34 vote(s) 22.8%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Oh boy, I'm going to take your word for it because Toy Story 3 was too much for me when it came out...
    Impulsive_Egg likes this.
  2. Mojang should've added a way to skip to the last page when they updated books. ._.
    Impulsive_Egg likes this.
  3. I had the weirdest dream of my life last night and i have no clue how to explain it
    it was like i had adventure time in mind, but it wasn't. everything was normal at first but then there was some sort of social apocalypse and people kept turning on each other, and teams just kept getting smaller and smaller and I wanted a reset like it was a freakin video game but in order to do that you had to like reset it manually and everyone involved had to comply... I also kept getting attacked by wild dogs of various breeds.
    why is my brain like this. What are you trying to tell me???
    607 likes this.
  4. Sounds interesting. :)
  5. wafflecoffee likes this.
  6. Whose else would it be :p
  7. I just saw some kind of Tesla (don't know which one, but it wasn't the cheapest version) reverse in our street. I was quite disappointed to see that they only have a singular reversing light, instead of one on either side. Many much cheaper cars have this "luxury", why don't they?
    607 likes this.
  8. I recommend watching this video, titled "The Senseless Ambiguity of North American Turn Signals". It really is senseless. I assume that it was using this method as Tesla is a North American company?
    Egeau, Stnywitness and TomvanWijnen like this.
  9. Holy crap, that light setup on the Chevrolet Volt is horrendous, hideous, and terrible.

    Anyways, I really hope it isn't using that ridiculous North American turn signal method. I googled around a bit but couldn't find whether it was or not. Either way, it still only had one (tiny) reversing light, which bothers me. :p
    Egeau, 607 and wafflecoffee like this.
  10. On the topic of cars, earlier today we've briefly had a Nissan Leaf park into our street (with its rear facing the street, ew), and I noticed that it had a (to me quite annoying) reversing beeping sound. I've never before heard a regular car make such a noise!
    607 likes this.
  11. There is currently a landscaper on this block listening to early 2000s pop and he is singing his heart out.
    I hope he's having a good day.
    607 likes this.
  12. I did extensive research on this and thought I had replied to your post afterward, but apparently not. :p It does sound crazy!
    I found out it depends on the country it was made in. In the USA it is legally required for the car to make that sound, in the UK it is legally prohibited. :rolleyes: I didn't find what the ruling was in the Netherlands. :p

    Haha, thanks for sharing!
    Impulsive_Egg and TomvanWijnen like this.
  13. I can easily irritate myself on random noises, and was bothered by it within a few seconds. :p

    Apparently it also makes a sound when driving forward: I don't think I heard it make that sound.

    I also watched this video of some people in America "turning the sound off". :D

    In the comments, someone said ""The 2010 and 2011 Leaf had that button because the UK insisted on being able to turn it off for prevention of "noise pollution." [facepalm]""

    That made me think about this: :)

    And someone else said this: ""The "sounder off" switch is standard in European LEAFs. It's actually required to have this as part of an upcoming EU directive on vehicle noise.""
    In another comment, someone said that they had to press the button every time they started up the car, though. :p

    All in all, very interesting! I don't mind a reversing noise, but this one is quite annoying in my opinion. :p
    607 likes this.
  14. Fun fact: In many european construction sites, with trucks and all that, reverse beeping sounds as we know them are no longer allowed. Instead, they use a white noise reversing sound. This is because humans are quite bad at guessing where a monotone beep is, especially in a larger construction cite where one can be heared almost all the time. Making something a our ears are more evolved to guess the direction and nearness of a lot safer than the older one :p
    Impulsive_Egg and 607 like this.
  15. That's exactly what the second video I linked said. :) Last time I watched it (a few weeks ago), the comments seemed to agree that it was an English or British thing. I personally have never heard a reversing truck with a white noise, only with the beeping noise, so I wonder if it's actually the case outside of England/UK.
    607 likes this.
  16. Is that so? :eek::eek::eek:

    (Sorry, American here)

    I just watched this, and I thought it was an interesting watch. Thanks for helping me learn something today my man~
    Egeau and 607 like this.

  17. Fact of the day~
    607, Egeau and MoreMoople like this.
  18. I put plants in my axolotl’s tank two weeks ago.

    When I first got my axolotls, I had a sand substrate at the bottom of the tank with fake plants and a fake wooden barrel as hiding spots. I was 12 at the time and the sand proved to be too difficult for me to clean at the time. So I removed the substrate and gave them a plain tank bottom.

    Since 2013 the tank has been sat there with no substrate at all, with these plastic plants just sat there. One of the axolotls lived and died (June 2012 - April 2017) in that stupid ugly tank.

    Me and my mum were discussing building a pond in the back garden and that made me remember the whole concept of aquascaping, plant decoration etc. I pulled up a picture of a tank with a riverbed theme and told her I’d love to have a tank like that, and she said “do it then”. So, three weeks ago, I did. I even bought shrimp to eat any algae and leftover axolotl food, and eventually get eaten by the axolotl (I really hope after they have babies, but we’ll see), and I’ve wanted to create a mini ecosystem for a long time and now I have.

    I might post pictures somewhere but I kind of want to make a video compilation of it IF I can get this nice camera off eBay for £15 (nobody has bid on it, 1 day left 👀).

    I came here to say that I started looking at tutorial videos, then other people’s tanks for inspiration, and now I’m addicted to videos like this:

    Long story short I kind of want to do the fishbowl next. But since I’m moving out into a student flat where we’re not allowed pets in September - COVID hopefully not getting in the way, it’s not going to be my responsibility. My brother agreed to look after my axolotl last time and ended up not feeding her at all, or changing the water, and shrugged those responsibilities off to my mum so he could sleep more.

    Yeah anyway thought I’d share here cos it’s so random xd
    607, TomvanWijnen and MoreMoople like this.