It's basically them saying "Wooo look at us we're fabulous oh and also we're also the best at many things and have been for a while! "... EDIT: Oh and I disagree with the "WIK-ih-PEE-dee-ə" pronunciation. The K should be connected to the ih, not the WI...
Yeah, so I confirmed that... And then they quickly smoothly moved onto another topic, in which they are on the positive side, trying to help everyone with detecting fake news woo well done Wikipedia .... ..
A few days ago my YouTube channel hit 607 subscribers. I uploaded this 1h47m long video outlining the history of my channel. In case anyone's interested.
I watched a video from Wintergatan (a musician, but more a technician in recent years ) yesterday thinking it wouldn't be too interesting, but it might actually be quite influential... The first bit of the video talks about setting goals, but I was already setting goals in the way that Wintergatan tells he has been doing. However, I've been finding it hard to focus in certain cases, or to feel fulfilled. But most of the video is about dopamine and a 'dopamine detox'. Rewiring your brain is a term Wintergatan didn't use in the video, but it is what he has been doing. And I should consider making steps with that too... As I am very reliant on social media. :$ I tried not using any except Hangouts for 5 weekdays (during which I was at school most of the time) a few years ago, and it was horrible. But while cold turkey clearly wasn't a good idea, it could be very good to cut back on things little by little... I feel like the thing that would be most healthy to miss is that I usually watch YouTube videos while eating. However, eating alone should be enough for me to be happy, I shouldn't need to watch a video. But it seems very hard to cut back on that if the people I follow don't start uploading less... a case of FOMO (fear of missing out), I guess? Or just fear for breaking a habit. Anyway, I will have to think more about this, and if I decide to take big steps I'll let you know how it goes in another thread. In any case, here is the video. Maybe you'd like to check it out.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh my gosh, I was obsessed with their song Sommarfagel for way longer than I would care to admit. I didn't realize that they were still publishing content...
remember that god awful 22 minute Olaf short that played before the showing of Coco and it was so bad that they removed it from the showing
I need to go watch it just to see what it's like! (I expect it to be bad, but I'm curious "how bad" it is.) ---------------------------- Edit: I was unable to find it, but I found this video instead. After hearing how it was presented and carried out, I can see why people were not happy with it.
Ah, I didn't realise Coco is not a film from Walt Disney Animation Studios! And in response to your "I expect it to be bad": do you like Frozen, Frozen II and any other shorts?
Coco was made by Pixar animation studios, which is owned by Disney, but they're better and that is a fact B) The short had like 5 songs that were completely tone deaf and unmemorable it was awful. I remember seeing it in theaters with my parents and I was just laughing with my mom about it the entire time. Luckily Coco was a phenomenal movie on its own and I regret nothing about seeing it.
I may be biased towards Coco, due to my ethnic background, but it looked really nice when I saw the trailer for it. I heard great things about Coco and I regret not watching it on the big screen...
It's one of those top tier pixar movies that will make you cry i swear I encourage you to watch it! (if you haven't already haha) Sorry I'm such a Pixar know-it-all, Pixar is one of my Special Interests(TM)