The problems of Krysyy, Aikar and how EMC is run.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by _REMOVED_87055, Oct 27, 2019.

  1. what will it take to make change?? just wondering
  2. I'll say this. My reason for steppin in on this is because of watching toxic people be allowed to run. Yes, I or friends have reported said people. I also step in because sometimes I don't think things are handled properly.
    I'm not out for drama (i'm not in discord, didn't realize it was to the "drama mark"), I'm just pushing for change. The EMC community I've heard of is not the community I've seen, and I can list many reasons, rooted mostly in "Some things just aren't handled correctly."
    But when I heard what was said, that is outrageous, and *no staff* should ever be talking about players like this, at all. Especially behind closed doors. I refuse to accept that. That's what pushed me off of EMC, that's why I'm on Burki and Kira's side here.
    This is my last post. I'm actually trying to be silent about this unless I feel like I need to speak.
    Farewell, EMC.
  3. Exactly. If the current staff aren't even working to make a change or seeing issues, then how are we going to? Players have no option, no chance. Our opinions are always invalid, inappropriate, or rude. What are we supposed to do? I've honestly just had enough.
  4. That depends fully on the change you want to see.
    What is most important to you?

    • Events - let's figure out a way to make more player events to subsidize the ones staff run. Already started a discussion with staff about broadcasts for player events. Not coded, but manual is the problem. Trying to work out kinks.
    • Development updates - I can't help sadly. Learn to code?
    • Player interaction - Greet new players. Come up with incentives you think will work.
  5. Thank you for the reply, I will respond properly after I get off my flight :)
    padde73, Tbird1128, Kryarias and 5 others like this.
  6. You're right. We are human, we make mistakes.
    People have jobs, time holds onto our lives.

    But that isn't a saving excuse.
    Just the mere fact that you have an exhausting job that leaves you knocked out is a red flag.
    You run an active minecraft server literally tied by string which could be released by you.
    I can't blame you for having a job of course, but would it not be better to have someone as CM who actually has time?

    This is nitpicking but the main method of defense in this post by you was trying to manipulate the "human" factor. Obviously completely valid, but to me it seems a tad bit watery.

    Thank you for being honest and taking some responsibility. Let us hope you have no bad trek record or screenshots in staff chats :)

    Seems very professional, I wonder how far that goes. You also did a good job at trying to diffuse the topic with other "human" things.
  7. EMC is run by a TEAM of staff, not just me. Every single one of our team members has a life and responsibilities. We will never have a full-time CM because life costs money and EMC is not paying my living expenses, but my job is.

    EDIT: I spend a GOOD chunk of time at my irl work on the forums and monitoring staff chat. At some point though, there are only so many hours in the day.
  8. bro beans on toast is an absolute vibe
  9. Wow, I log in and I see this thread exploding. :eek:

    I guess the gloves are off now?
  10. someone spilled the beans.
  11. if this is all true


    but a change in management
  12. I agree, especially since some of the EMC community (Extendingskies and Wllies952002) have shown interest in helping out in EMC. Especially since Willies already updated Empirecraft to 1.14 FOR EMC...
    Kaddrii, Ariesis, padde73 and 8 others like this.
  13. I think I can honestly say I understand all points of view here, and have seen similar issues over many years. However the Staff not being really present playing on EMC is likely a serious sign of an issue. If the owner of any business steps away and just lets things run, failure is often a probability.
    I have had the feeling that many staff may be burned out of actually playing, understandable, but I feel without active participation things are spiralling down, and that's a shame. The loss of the visible staff over the past while has had I think a visible effect on numbers, and I am often on server somewhat alone, course smp6 has never been the busy server since my arrival.

    I do agree with Krysyy that a constructive discussion on what can be done would be more beneficial to all.
  14. if your own community doesn’t think you’re helping, maybe that should tell you something
  15. I'd rather a half-time CM that is agreed upon by the player base and serves the community rather than a full-time CM which runs EMC into the pits.
  16. while it is perfectly normal and admitted from players, about other players and staff members? even behind closed doors? Haven't we all done that, talking about other people in sometimes rather demeaning ways? We are creatures of feelings, obviously, and these have to be vented. Rather it be behind closed doors than thrown to someone's face, don't you think?


    I've read the thread, lots of anger was bottled up it seems.I haven't seen much hard facts there, hints here and there and a lot of not very well defined or purely feeling-based accusations.
    I've been around for sometime now, and have seen a few drama pop up, and how Krysyy stepped 'firmly' on it. To her defense, I never felt nor thought she was overdoing it. Just being harsh, and it was to my point of view necessary at these times, given the agressivity she was confronted with.

    As for the rejecting of applications, I can not tell, as I am not the server owner and have no say in the policies they fix for their server.
    Same goes for the recruiting of new staff. Or the development aspect of things.
  17. That is no excuse for anything.
    You can play the "we are human" card all day but it doesn't change the fact that you are criticizing someone else and slandering their name behind closed doors.

    I'm not perfect obviously, but this isn't a defense statement to myself.

    Staff should be much more responsible, especially if they are even monitored for things outside of EMC. There is no space for any high ranking person on this server to slander someone and spread lies about them. People often forget this is literally a minecraft server.
  18. Sitting in terminal having fun reading all this, can't reply to us much as i want rn but I'll clear some stuff up.

    Firstly, I have nothing to hide Krysyy. Feel free to explain the reasoning behind my demotion :) (although it would be nice if you'd have said when you'd done it or replied to my PM which was up for almost 24 hours before this thread). I don't believe that you were eating lunch during this time but if you were, I am serious concerned for your health. You were also on EMC discord, slack and doing stuff on stage so I have no reason to believe that you weren't going to blank that message like you always have done. Maybe it might not be the best to discuss the reasoning in this threas since it would complicate the discussion but I'm perfectly fine with you sharing

    Secondly, I'd like this thread to be serious because I think the topic being discussed is crucial to EMC. Thanks.

    Thirdly, I am not questioning whether Krysyy has the time to invest in EMC. Much rather whether she cares to put in the time.

    Finally, I was glad to see MULTIPLE ex-staff reach out to me saying that they totally agree with this thread. Its clearly not just been an issue with me, and clearly not an issue that has arisen recently.
  19. The reason for your demotion was stated plainly in the message I sent to you shortly after going on stage to remove your permissions and access to various locations. "You broke the number one rule of being a staff member and have violated my trust."

    I think I very much have proven over my time as a CM and before that I care a whole lot more about putting in time than a lot of players and other staff members. To say such a comment is ludicrous frankly.

    Other ex-staff may have their problems with how things were handled in the past, but they are ex-staff for various reasons, some of which may have mirrored your own. While some may have stepped down for various reasons, I stand by every decision made in letting go of staff that I have unfortunately had to, just as I do with you.