Happy Birthday EMC!
Happy Birthday EMC!
Alternate name: Happy Birthday EMC!
Type: Book
Released: July 25th, 2015; 2018
Update:Event Item
Obtained by: Empire B-Day Party 2015 and 2018
Attributes: By [Aikar / Krysyy] / Original
Lore: To the Awesome EMC Community
Lore: EMC's 7th Birthday
Related items (including Happy 6th Birthday EMC! and EMC's 6th Birthday!) can be found elsewhere in the Special Event Items section.
This book, which was written by Aikar, was released on July 25th, 2015 to celebrate EMC's fourth birthday. 16 of these books were dropped during a drop party located at /v birthday on SMP9 to celebrate the occasion.
The contents of the book are present in the image below:
To celebrate EMC's 7th birthday on July 25th, 2018, both Aikar and Krysyy wrote books containing messages for the Community. 76 of each version were available to attendees, alongside the EMC Birthday Cookie.
The contents of Aikar and Krysyy's books are presented respectively in the images below:
EMC has a variety of custom-coded items for many uses.