Disallowed Mods OLD

Aug 19, 2017
Disallowed Mods OLD
  • The following is an excerpt from the Rules and Moderation page. It gives context for the further information about Disallowed Mods on this page.
    4. Do Not Hack, Cheat, or Exploit

    • Please reference the Approved Mods list for any mods that may be used. If the mod that you want to use is not on this list, please message a Staff member to review it. You may not use the mod until it is added to the list.
    • Do not use any mods, macros or game bugs that give a significant advantage over other players. This includes any aspect that allows xray vision, cave finder, radar, block glitches, etc. This also includes anything that may allow you to move, jump, or fly in a way not intended by the default game settings. Even if it's a server-side bug, do not abuse it. Stop and report the issue immediately to a Staff member.
    • Automating actions, including - but not limited to - using auto-clickers, is legal as long as you are not AFK while doing so and the ability does not exceed normal play ability. Kill auras, fast-clicking, etc are NOT normal play ability. You must be aware, and able to respond to staff and Minecraft at all times.

    Mods listed on this page are explicitly stated against the Rules and are NOT allowed.
    NOTE: If a mod is not on any list, please consider it Disallowed until a request is approved for that mod.

    For information on which mods you CAN use, check the Approved Mods page.

    Any additional questions regarding Approved Mod Usage can be directed to chickeneer.

    EMC allows modifications that don't give an unfair advantage over others.