Empire Wild Policy - How to Register an Outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Aikar, Dec 8, 2013.

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  1. OK.... Problem now is, I'm not sure it's worth me continuing with anything outside of town. Until I know I will actually be able to protect it. So a decision on what I will definitely be able to protect would be helpful right now.

    I guess I just assumed as long as it was outside the reset area of outposts, then I'd be able to protect it. I assumed wrong. :)
  2. Part of the reason we don't want them to close. is that players will just surround the spawns, and set -move....

    Any requirements in the Original Post are guaranteed protection later on.
  3. We're do we ask for our "land" to be protected or is this not out yet?
    • The base must be at least 5,000 blocks away from all EMC Frontier Outposts
    • Land must not be within 3,000 blocks of any other groups visually established base. (Unless the other leader gives you approval, and it must be wrote on your thread)
    • Must create a thread on the Wilderness Frontier forums establishing the start of the base so that we can have a record of the start of the base and who is the established owner. The thread only needs to include the name of the base and what server it's on, but not location. Any other info you wish to include is up to you.
    • A lock chest with the owner’s name must be placed near the center/start of the base. It doesn’t have to be visible, just there somewhere.

      also i wanna point out that yall are thinking of future protection. all this policy sets is a way for staff to ensure your wildbases follow whoever's the leaders' rules
    stormboy231 likes this.
  4. I do understand what you are trying to achieve with this new policy. But it's also a precursor to the new protection system, so people can begin building where the new protection will cover them. However, you should also understand:

    I have built some things after reading through all the material I could find on the rules and how different worlds work. I was careful to build in the wild, not the waste, and outside the yellow 'might be reset from time to time' border, so that my build will be there to stay forever.

    Now I knew there was no physical protection in place for the wild, and I built knowing that it would be difficult to stop griefing.

    Now there is news that a protection system will be coming out. YAY. (I can get my build protected for REALZ)
    However, that system will not protect anything closer than 5000 blocks to an outpost. NOT yay :( (My build will never be protected).

    So this news isn't just about a new policy to give 'leaders' more control of their built area. It's a view of what to expect for the new protection system. :) And some people are disappointed their current builds won't be covered, because of a random distance someone decided a build must be from an outpost.

    Perhaps one suggestion: Those people with existing builds, that can be verified, can get special exception from the distance rule, and protect what they have already put time and effort into establishing?

    And I don't mean me! :) I've built what i built in a few days, so I can do it again with little trouble. But from what I've seen, some people have built amazing huge sprawling Empires. I think everyone would agree, it would be nice to allow them to protect them.

    Just nothing new will be given that exception. Now that we know to build far away, we have no excuse.
    ewils likes this.
  5. Sure there will be some exceptions made. But they still need to be a significant distance away still. Not certain where yours might be located. But just outside the yellow box is definitely to close. Although you can be guaranteed staff are not going to come through and reset your build.
  6. well two things in retort to this:
    1. it has always been common knowledge that actual land claiming would have a minimum distance out. any vet could tell you that.
    2. it has also always been recommended by both staff and players to build atleast 3k out to prevent griefings pre-land claiming.

    i understand you are new, so you may not have heard this from anyone but there are threads out there somewhere about "how to start a wildbase" with atleast one of these facts.

    if you built directly off the yellow line i dont think you are going to be able to claim that land with however it will be implemented simply because on servers like 9 it would quickly become a town outside of spawn instead of wilderness. ill link the related threads after i walk dogge and find them :)
    samsimx and mba2012 like this.
  7. OK. Is there a rough ETA on when the Empire protection system will be out? or a minimum time before it's even possible?
  8. simply put. no
    bitemenow15 likes this.
  9. Sounds good
  10. I've go
    i've got a village about 2k blocks away from an outpost.. i hope they have an acception for the smaller, private bases (with friends) like mine.
  11. I can just imagine when the dragon tombs coming out there's a big group of people who just claim this huge freaking chunk of land and rule the frontier with it. But thanks Aikar, I like this idea.
  12. I feel as though we should collectively see this through and refine the guidelines as the protection system is implemented...more of a trial-and-error process.

    that said, there should also be a square block limit to the size of such settlements to avoid having one large group with an overbearing presence.

    **EDIT** Would the protections also apply to structures or bases underground?
  13. Of course you would :D
  14. I want to be that guy
    jackomighty likes this.
  15. How large of an area will a dragon egg claim?
    Can you also claim land in the nether?
  16. Land will be claimable in the Nether. The area is not definite yet. fyi ;)
  17. Everyone, this is not the D Egg system yet.

    This is specifically for political control over an area.

    The actual claiming system is not fully designed yet, and we can not answer questions on it yet.

    As I said last night - the min distance for now is for this stage 1 political policy.

    The real Empires update with claiming with DEggs will likely lower the min distance.

    We ENCOURAGE people go at least 5k out, so we want to set that as the bar for now, as if everyone goes 5k, there will be no concern with filling the wild.
    zulu9 likes this.
  18. It seems I am a little dense... How do you calculate that 5000 block distance? So it's not 5000 blocks in a straight line? Since I still pretty new (ish) this land claim thingie is new to me. My friends and I have built stuff but I am sure it is not out far enough. But I think in staright lines or is it area of blocks? But like chickeneer said, we can send a PM with the coordinates to mod to figure out the distance?? We have way too much invested in it to restart it.
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