Empire Wild Policy - How to Register an Outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Aikar, Dec 8, 2013.

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  1. *watches as Aikar moves his posts above mine* ;~;
  2. no cheating now!
    MrWhosMagic and 5chris100 like this.
  3. I ahve an Outpost 6k blocks out on a Server. Does this mean staff will still be able to protect it as such, but I just won't be able to claim land using the Dragon Egg right?
  4. Dammit i still don't know if i am 10,000 blocks out... :( so confusing
    dresden72 likes this.
  5. Haha. I let myself get over-excited about this and posted too soon. I spend too much time proofreading. Thanks for reconsidering. Now if only I could edit quoted posts...
  6. you can message me if need be (will keep coordinates a secret)
    They changed it to 5,000 for the time being. so just the big black circles.
  7. Awe I am to close lol looks like I am moving ! :p I really like this new policy though.
  8. OK, a few questions:

    I have Builds in the End, the Nether, and 2 in the wild frontier. And I have plans for others for other purposes.
    EDIT: They are less than the min distance from outposts (depending on what the End, and nether conditions are).

    1. This new policy covers the wild. But what about The End? And the Nether Frontier? Is there going to be protection for them, and what kind of conditions/distances will that be?
    2. Should I consider tearing down my existing builds and starting over?
    3. Will transport systems from outposts to the far off places also be protected. (I understand that the new Empire system will include a teleport system directly to your protected area, but for now, we'd have to transport ourselves. And having to travel 5k+ away, even in the nether will be 625+ blocks).

    Well at least I'm kinda new here, so I won't be loosing as much as many others.
  9. 1. The End distance is still up in the air. definitely no actual claiming on the mainland; but we have discussed certain distances away. I believe we left that out here due to the uncertainty on those distances

    As for the Nether, For sure similar distances with the Wild Frontier, there may be some rule bending if your base has a nether portal into an area that does not meet the same requirements (since the ratio is like 1/8)

    2. Not necessarily; only if you are wanting to eventually claim them and have them 'protected'
    3. The transport systems won't be protected necessarily; although there will be a method to travel between town and your base.
  10. So basically the wild is ruined, that's what I'm getting from this, no wonder peeps are leaving
    southpark347 likes this.
  11. How is it ruined?
  12. Technically it isn't any worse than it may have already have been.
    mba2012 likes this.
  13. So there are empire's, would encampments or villages be a possibility I the futures? When. Read empire I see massive cities but all I want is a small plot of land that I can safely work in I.e a village/encampment

    Edit: on iPhone so autocorrect is sluring my words.
  14. I'd love to hear why you think that's the case.
    penfoldex, CoDe4RiDeR and mba2012 like this.
  15. If you fulfill the requirements outline in the post. Sure it could be smaller on the village size, doesn't HAVE to be big and grand. The name "empires" is just what the staff chose for these established outposts.

    Additionally you can still create other outposts, perhaps with a Mob grinder, storage, and a mine; even if they won't fit in as an Empire.
  16. *lays elbows on the table, lifts forearm in a up position, crosses hands, points thumbs straight up, lays chin on the thumbs, opens ears.... Alright I'm ready explain how it ruins the wild and make members leave?
    L0tad, jrm531, cddm95ace and 4 others like this.
  17. So basically, (to sim this up) has to be 10k away from nearest wilderness portal, 3k away from closest city, and has to have a locked chest with leader's name on sign?
  18. changed to 5k away.
  19. Ah, alright. From the way I read the op it seems like you need this massive group, plans, and other things that make having a protect area in the wild a massive undertaking.

    But thanks for fixing my perceptions and views. I feel better about this now.
  20. ... yea. Well it's good there is some form of protection coming in. It's very unfortunate that it won't cover what people have already built.

    I don't understand the reason behind having to go so incredibly far out from any outpost?

    I thought the point of the Frontier was to build, the waste is for mining. So why require people to leave so much frontier unprotected?
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