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Jul 25, 2024 at 11:51 PM
May 6, 2012
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ST Bristlecone
Uhhhhh hahaha…

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Venerable Member, Male, from ST Bristlecone

Seems we're in a bit of a Night of the Living Dead situation with all these ancient members popping up :P Feb 15, 2023

penfoldex was last seen:
Jul 25, 2024 at 11:51 PM
    1. Jakres
      how the bloody hell have you not logged in for 2.7 years and still voting
      1. View previous comments...
      2. penfoldex
        I am here!
        May 5, 2024
      3. Jakres
        yayyyy cake day

        where cake
        May 5, 2024
      4. penfoldex

        I ate it
        May 8, 2024
    2. sonicol
      How are you bestie
      1. penfoldex likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. penfoldex
        Oh cool! How are you liking it?

        This is basically my first Street Fighter, but I've been sucked into it. And nice, how's OW2?
        Aug 23, 2023
      4. sonicol
        It's a nice job. OW2 is very fun, I never played OW1 because I just didn't wanna buy it lol. How's Street Fighter?
        Aug 25, 2023
      5. penfoldex
        Nice, nice. Fair enough on not buying OW1 lol.

        SF6's a blast! The game oozes with style, and coming from fighting games like Smash Bros, serious quality of life features and gameplay. It's been really fun learning a new game.
        Aug 27, 2023
    3. penfoldex
      Seems we're in a bit of a Night of the Living Dead situation with all these ancient members popping up :P
      1. farmerguyson
        I just hope they stay.
        Feb 15, 2023
      2. fadedmartian
        agreed x2 lol
        Feb 15, 2023
      3. Nickblockmaster
        Amen brother I hope the stay for awhile too!
        Feb 16, 2023
    4. penfoldex
      Ready for spring-- let me longboard :(
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
      2. We3_MPO
        It's already here in Tennessee. Nonetheless, I feel for those of you living in cold/temperate climates!
        Feb 14, 2023
      3. penfoldex
        Thanks, we'll get there soon enough.. hopefully
        Feb 15, 2023
    5. TonicThunder
      Been a while. Hope you're doing well!
      1. penfoldex likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. penfoldex
        Nice, glad to hear it. What have you been playing recently?
        Feb 15, 2023
      4. TonicThunder
        Some private MC servers with friends, Trackmania, Dead by Daylight, and whatever other random thing might entertain me for a few hours haha
        Feb 15, 2023
      5. penfoldex
        Gotcha. Never played it, but Trackmania looks pretty fun
        Feb 15, 2023
    6. penfoldex
      *looks at my growing stack of vinyl records and 80s comics* what year is this lol
      1. sonicol1 and Nickblockmaster like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Nickblockmaster
        Awesome stuff!!! Daft Punk is the center of the universe, when it comes to electronic. I’m gonna miss the both of them very much!
        Sep 2, 2022
      4. Nickblockmaster
        Would you care to share some of your favorite artists? I’m always looking to discover more!!
        Sep 2, 2022
      5. penfoldex
        Sure! I'm kinda all over the place musically, so I'll just give you a few by my favorite genres.
        Electronic: Daft Punk, Porter Robinson, Pendulum
        Rock: Polkadot Stingray, Kunzite, The Strokes
        K-pop: Dreamcatcher, IU
        Hip-hop: MF DOOM, Epik High
        J-pop: Aimer, Utada Hikaru
        Sep 4, 2022
    7. penfoldex
      For my first trick as an Empire Time Lord, I will act as one before it is time to actually become said Empire Time Lord. How do you do, fellow Empire Time Lords?
    8. Jakres
      oh lookie its that day again
      1. penfoldex likes this.
      2. penfoldex
        May 5, 2022
      3. Jakres
        oh lookie, anniversary day
        May 5, 2023
      4. penfoldex
        Yep, thanks
        May 7, 2023
    9. penfoldex
      That's absurd!
    10. penfoldex
      Happy holidays, everyone! Take some time off and relax. Watch a movie! I just saw Soul and can't recommend it enough. Also, feel free to recommend me some films!
      1. luckycordel and farmerguyson like this.
    11. penfoldex
      Profile was due for an update. New profile pic, new website, new job description! But no job. Haha. Ha. Haaaaaaahhhhhhhhh
      1. sonicol, Jakres and MoreMoople like this.
    12. penfoldex
      As a sequel to my last status, I need to get better about finishing shows.. so naturally, it's time to start Golden Kamuy (despite having 10 shows started)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. penfoldex
        How have you been liking it? It certainly looks interesting!
        Apr 6, 2021
      3. Luckygreenbird
        I've been liking it
        Apr 7, 2021
      4. penfoldex
        Apr 7, 2021
    13. Jakres
      lookie, there's that dusty spider chilling at that corner
      1. View previous comments...
      2. penfoldex
        This place better not be haunted..
        Apr 1, 2021
      3. Jakres
        cake time yay
        May 4, 2021
      4. penfoldex
        May 4, 2021
    14. penfoldex
      I need to get better about finishing games.. so naturally, it's time to start Wario Land 4
      1. penfoldex
        Update: I have stopped playing Wario Land 4, BUT I'm trying to finish Pokemon White
        Mar 7, 2021
    15. penfoldex
      Winter is my favorite season, but I just started learning longboard steps and tricks, and really got into it, right before the snow. Now I'm conflicted ._.
      1. ultipig
        I have a Boosted Board (Stealth) and I go out with a balaclava and a beanie (and other stuff) lol. My board goes 32mph
        Jan 16, 2021
      2. penfoldex
        Nice. I'm mostly just concerned about the slush making dancing a bit too slick, considering my deck's ungripped. I'll probably still go out when the roads are clear though.
        Jan 22, 2021
    16. penfoldex
      Oh, the pains and joys of playing a nuzlocke
      1. sonicol and wafflecoffee like this.
    17. penfoldex
      Out mastering the sun, leave your message at the beep! BEEP
      1. jacob5089 and sonicol like this.
      2. penfoldex
        So much dust in this ancient profile page anyways. Achoo! Better do some update dusting.
        Sep 21, 2020
    18. Jakres
      bam bam
      1. View previous comments...
      2. penfoldex
        Nov 30, 2020
      3. Jakres
        23cm snow woo
        Jan 17, 2021
      4. penfoldex
        Jan 22, 2021
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    Home page:
    ST Bristlecone
    Uhhhhh hahaha…
    I play Minecraft once every six months at best. Yet I'm still here. Man, this profile is getting kinda dusty. Really could use some cleaning down here, cough. Anyways, I'm still here, I'm still lurking around, keeping up with LLO news, keeping that voter bonus up still.

    But yeah, drop a hello on my profile if you're so inclined and we'll talk. Cool? Cool.

    OLD BIO:
    Sure, let's just leave the past down there. New bio though. I'm still Pen F. I think. It's a bit confusing these days. Anyways, I kinda still play Minecraft? Sort of, not really.

    I mostly play Smash Bros these days, but I could never leave this community, even if there are more people here that I don't know than I do know. Frankly, I'm not even sure how many people remember I still am around. Bit of a lurker, keeping that voting bonus up. I might post every now and then, we'll see.

    Yeah, that's all I got for now. Will update when I've got more time. Time's always departing from me. Tsk.


    Random JackBiggin quote