Empire Wild Policy - How to Register an Outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Aikar, Dec 8, 2013.

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  1. Good thing I saw this before building my new underground city.
    CoolCal14 likes this.
  2. So basically, in these new "Empires", if the leader doesn't like a build that has been built by another player, they can just tear that building down?
  3. Essentially what we will be doing (with land claiming later on) is that they will be actual residences with user protected flags - so you don't have to worry about random people coming out and griefing. And who you give permissions to is on you (not us as staff).

    We are setting this policy out as a precursor to the Empires so later on when Empires come out we won't have disputes with people coming along and 'claiming' someone elses stuff.
    Dean_Catterson and Kells18 like this.
  4. well they can ask the player to fix it to work with the community standards of the place as well. not as many wild base owners are as malicious as you might believe but some people also try their best to go against the moult so a healthy balance must be maintained
  5. I also think this is an excellent feature.
  6. Awesome, thank you guys!
  7. How do i figure out how many blocks away i am from frontier spawn to my wild base?
  8. Can't wait to rule the wild!
    I... mean...
  9. I recommend using the Live Map. The big circles are 5,000 blocks. Just need to go one more length from there to go the minimum distance out. I recommend a bit more.
    Find a location by traveling out there probably the first time, than can create a faster way using Nether Travel. Or alternatively go SUPER WAY FAR OUT in the nether and wherever you pop out. Setup camp there.
    mba2012 and Kells18 like this.
  10. In a sense yes, if they can not work it out.

    There has been numerous occasions where players started a group with friends, but some stranger comes out, or someone gets in an argument and then starts to do things that damages the overall goal of the community.

    Under our previous "no policy", nothing could be done for those players.... Groups were powerless, and on many occasions questioned why wouldn't they just make their own server where they don't have to put up with nonsense like this.

    So, we really pushed forward a policy to temporarily handle these cases on a political level until the system can automatically enforce it itself.

    It's not fair that an entire groups plans can be ruined due to one person and force them to move or go back to town...

    We want to make group projects feel like they can have some political order in the wild.

    We were trying to find a good number that could keep things simple as this is merely a stop gap policy, and the actual full on Empires System may have different numbers....

    However, considering we are adding 4 more outposts soon, there should be no worries of the wild "running out of room"....

    So, reconsidering it, we are adjusting the number down to 5k now as min requirement.

    When system goes full auto with Dragon Eggs and such, it may drop down to 3k even. But lets go with 5 for now and we can do a case by case basis for any old that may be less than that (LLO).
    zulu9, eklektoi, Pab10S and 1 other person like this.
  11. Hit F3 while in your base and look at your coordinates in the top-left corner. If there are negatives, remove them. Then remove 1000 from x: and z: and you have your distance.
    I would then have to go at least another 4,317 blocks west and 202 blocks south in order to be able to create a base.

    EDIT: Ninja'd by the chicken :c
  12. Just as a suggestion for the claiming wild system:
    Maybe some features could be added in like mini reses and other such things for towns, and even like 'res' messages :p
    Just a thought. ;3
  13. And about the forum topics -- Honestly the whole point of that forum is for threads about Frontier groups....

    No harm in having a little more activity than it does now.
  14. Was suggested before :p AKA subzones.

    Dood. /res message [enter/leave] [message]
  15. That is all part of the actual Empires system, which is after DT.

    The point of this thread is to give some of the political benefits of the Wild Claiming systems that are planned, without actually having the update out.
  16. /me has no idea if Aikar is purposely posting right after me. o-o
  17. hmm
    mba2012, chickeneer and 5chris100 like this.
  18. Please, visit my base and take a look at Live Map. I'm asking that you consider waving the distance requirement for some of the existing bases. I really don't see how the one I've built could be hurting anyone. I actually have been envisioning making the area somewhat public once I could ensure that I no longer had to worry that someone could ruin things for everyone else there.

    I've saved up a lot of Rupees for this. I really don't forsee that I and the other people who have been involved in building this area for over a year and a half will want to rebuild another three thousand blocks away. This will kill it. Now I have nothing to spend them on because someone happened to think that 10 was a nice round number.
  19. *watches as Aikar moves his posts above mine* ;~;
  20. read above, we just did change the distance requirements :)
    Pab10S likes this.
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