18200 Empire Minecraft Museum!

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by FDNY21, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. Sorry all, but the Dragon Egg Guide books are currently out of stock. I can't copy the book on my alt account because it has a new name and apparently this means that I am not the same person :rolleyes: Staff have been contacted, hopefully we can get some kind of easy solution soon, thanks for the patience all! :)
    607 likes this.
  2. Update #49!
    • Labor Bench 2015 added!
    • Removed use flag for everyone!
    • Now added the use of /res set use:button t! This will mean that you can use all the buttons and information but not all of my doors, yay! Thanks for the idea, Avyr! :p
    • Got Staff looking into the Dragon Egg Guides, will post here when they become available again!
    607 and Nickblockmaster like this.
  3. Due to the way that the signed books work, the Dragon Egg Guides cannot be copied. I will either change the name of my account back, or I will make a new Guide. There was a new Guide planned but we could not find all of the information that we needed.

    If we do not find the extra information then eventually I will likely make a sort of copy of the last book with any more information that I know, we'll see! :)
  4. If I were you I'd just flip through the pages and copy everything you see into Notepad++ or something manually, plus it gives you the perfect chance to add in anything that you want to. Then just paste it back in :p

    If it's too long to do it by hand if you want to get me a copy I can do it, I enjoy typing and can do it at 120+ wpm :p
    607 and FDNY21 like this.
  5. Ahh cheers for the advice Haro! Yeah, I guess that would work, I could put it into Microsoft Word or something... I might be able to do it at some point but I'll message you if it needs doing :p Thanks!
  6. Updated the head wall a little more, though bear in mind that if you changed your name, it probably isn't changed on the wall yet (it's possible that it has been done but likely not). If you want it changed then PM me and ask.

    We also only have one space left on the main walls which means that if we need more space then we will remove banned player or derelict player heads from the wall to make room for new heads. Any questions then please ask :)

    PS: remember, you can only ask for your own head on the wall, do not ask me to put up your whole collection of other heads too as there is no space, sorry, thanks!
  7. Awesome! This is really cool and I am glad you haven't just been buying promos for your own collection. If you ever need freedom steak, holiday candle, pi pie, or maybe some other promos I might have, let me know.
    FDNY21 likes this.
  8. I have these items in the museum but thank you very kindly for the offer :) And also another big thanks from me for the positive feedback! :D
    607 and EvKem like this.
  9. Updated the main post.

    NOTICE: The museum is now temporarily closed. Over 2.5 million rupees worth of items have disappeared from the misc items section and the promo items section - along with their item frames - so we are closing to sort out the issue. Staff have been contacted and we're hoping that we can get the museum back to how it was before. I'm not sure what this is but hopefully this can all be sorted, thank you for your patience. :)
  10. Wow that sucks, hopefully you get it back.
    607, penfoldex and FDNY21 like this.
  11. Just a little update - Aikar has confirmed to me that there were some entity issues recently and it could be due to that. I'll be discussing the issue with Aikar and I'll let you all know when the museum is back up and running again.
    607 and penfoldex like this.
  12. Now it's good that you had things written down. I assume you know what was where.
    That message sounded quite cool, by the way, like a big robbery had happened, but that doesn't really work in town :p
    FDNY21 likes this.
  13. The signs are still there and the information books still work so I know what needs to go where... I haven't had any further advancements on the investigation yet but I'm hoping that it can be resolved soon!
    607 likes this.
  14. A little update - Aikar is working on restoring the chunk to how it was before. This might take a little bit of time, I'll let you know when it is restored! :)
    8808 likes this.
  15. Big thanks to Aikar, the Museum is now fixed! The move flag has now been restored and you can freely move around the Museum floors again! Everything should be fixed now but if you see anything out of the ordinary then please message on this thread or PM me so that I can get it changed! Cheers!

    Also a big thanks to ShrinkingNub who is loaning his Orange Krysyy Head to the Museum again, you can view this on the Super Rare Floor :) I've also updated the original post, thanks again! :D
    Hashhog and penfoldex like this.
  16. Watching thread, seems nice from what I've read! I will visit it later.
  17. Thanks Galant, it's back up and running now so feel free to visit when ever, cheers! :D
    Galantisizer likes this.
  18. Update #50! :D
    • All Labor Bench information updated to accommodate for new Labor Bench merging on the Wiki!
    • All Birthday Cake information updated to accommodate for new Birthday Cake merging on the Wiki!
    • Getting Dragon Egg Guides V2 back in stock soon, Aikar is hoping to push out an update to fix the books!
    Other merged items on the Wiki will be updated in the Museum when the Wiki updates are finished :)
    Galantisizer likes this.
  19. Your welcome :p
    FDNY21 likes this.
  20. Doesn't seem like the new updates for books are out yet so no more Dragon Egg Guides yet, but I'll let you know when the update goes out and I can copy the books again, cheers guys :)