18200 Empire Minecraft Museum!

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by FDNY21, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. I've changed my design for the donation box, it is now done by an access everyone chest so more items can be donated without having to throw into hoppers/have to mail if the item is soulbound. Still looking for opinions on the preview chest idea!
  2. Haven't added the 2015 Birthday Cake, we'll probably wait until the Empire Cookies are out until adding them in :) If I get some time and add it before that time however, I'll let you know here!
  3. Update #47! :)
    • Updated Arena Blade information
    • Update Arena Longbow information
    • Shop restocked
    The next update should include some of the new birthday items, I'll let you know when :)
  4. Update #48! :)
    • Added Rose Bouquet and information to super rares, big thanks to hallandr721 for loaning the item!
    • Added Aikar's Head, 4th Birthday 2015 and information to Event Items!
    • Added 2015 Empire Cookie and information to Event Items!
    • Added 2015 Birthday Cake and information to promotional items!
    Ideas that we're thinking about at the museum:

    • Possible re-structure of the preview chest design for fireworks?
    • Possible introduction of more preview chest stands?
    • Possible donating area where items for the stands can be donated (buttons, sandstone, smooth sandstone, et cetera)?
    • Possible souvenir expansion to the Gift Shop (old museum books signed by my alt for sale, wool blocks that are taken off of the floors re-named and sold, profits going to buy more stand materials)?
    That's all for now, you may see some of the ideas in the second part become reality if I give them the go ahead! If you have any opinions on them, please PM me here quote me here, I'd love to hear your ideas on how to improve! Thanks all!
    wolffpack58 likes this.
  5. Bump for those that have not seen the recent update! Hope you guys enjoy it!
  6. We now have the Uber_Corq head on the player heads floor! :) Big thanks to him for getting around to sending it ;)
    wolffpack58 and hashhog3000 like this.
  7. What are people's thoughts on our latest ideas for updates to the Museum? :)
  8. Massive thanks to PlasmaBanana for loaning his Purple Aikar Head to the museum, it's now up on the Super Rare floor! Enjoy!
  9. Currently drawing up plans for a stand design for it, but we have a Dragon Egg for the museum now so expect that sometime soon, assuming that I can come up with a good stand design sometime soon!
    607 and wolffpack58 like this.
  10. 11/10 would visit again.
  11. Thanks for the feedback, Cory. Much appreciated. :)
  12. Honestly was originally going because it was listed as a promo shop on a list but ended up looking at everything.:p
  13. Yeah, we have a few things in the gift shop but we're primarily about helping people out with EMC custom item information. :)
    607 and Nccoryg like this.

  14. Problem is where to put it too. I need the stand to stay almost completely in line with all other item stands on the super rare floor and I'm not quite sure where on the floor it is going to be yet...
    f_Builder_s likes this.
  15. If you need help deciding, let me know :D
  16. I originally thought of just placing the egg where the sandstone would be (where the item frame is attached), but the [ MESSAGE ] sign for the chests so that the button can be used to access information is behind it, so you'd probably be able to see the chest and sign behind the egg which isn't a desirable option...
  17. Fixed the information for the Empire Builders Wand, thanks for the heads up Patr1cV! :)
  18. All Staff and Team heads have been updated to the new player names. If your head is on the wall and you want it updated however then you will have to ask me on this thread or via PM to update it for you as I have not gone through the standard heads walls.